chapter thirty eight

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a/n: guys its been a year since this book was officially public! god it makes me feel old.

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**Ellie's pov**

I have been in Jersey for a couple days now, just staying at home and visiting with family and old friends from school.

No one had asked me... but they were all wondering. I could tell.

As soon as I stepped foot into the pick-up area of the airport and my parents didn't see Aaron I knew that they were wondering why he wasn't there and if we were even together anymore.

Everyone was expecting to meet my hotshot boss that had somehow managed to occupy my heart that used to be very, very, guarded.

But obviously... that man was back in Virginia, doing god knows what.

Anyways, it was my turn to help mom make breakfast for all of the kids. Days before I finally got here, my parents had gotten a brother and sister dropped off by child services. I could tell that the girl was on the spectrum but there was no mention of it in her record. At all.

In fact... there was nothing about any medical attention for them since they were born.

The boy, Nico, was twelve and his younger sister, Lydia, was only five-years-old. Nico was "the typical foster-care boy" as the case worker said to my mother when they were dropped off. But as soon as I walked through the front door I could just tell that was furthest from the truth.

Last night me and him had sat outside on the porch for hours just listening to each other talk about anything that he wanted to.

He talked about his past foster homes and how they treated him and Lydia and I couldn't help but wish that my parents would just adopt these two.

Whenever someone asks how many siblings I have it's like the world's most difficult question anyone could ever ask me. It is, for me at least, easier for me to just say that I am an only sibling than having to explain that I have a lot of foster siblings.

During the time that I was in college and then working for the FBI my parents had adopted four other kids.

They were the sweetest kids that I have ever met and couldn't be happier that they were a part of my family.

There was Elijah, thirteen, Liam and Luna who are twins, ten, and then little Giana, who is eight.

God... I got so sidetracked, I had just made it out of my room when I heard children yelling in the kitchen. Hurrying myself to the kitchen I rounded the corner and saw that the kids were arguing around the big table.

"But I want to sit by Eleanor!"

"No I do! It's my turn!"

"But she sat with you guys last night!"

Was all I heard when I walked further into the room. Covering a short chuckle I walked over towards Ginny, aka Giana, and wrapped my arms around her neck, "Okay, how about all of you just sit at the table and wait for me to finish cooking your food and then we'll figure something out?" I proposed.

Each of them nodding their heads at the speed of light almost, I turned to the stove top to pick up where my mom left off. She had walked out of the room to take a phone call as soon as I stepped in to the room.

Right as I was about to pour more pancake batter onto the griddle, my phone started to ring.

Turning around to face Elijah, the oldest kid at the table, "Hey could you take over for a second I'll be right back I promise?" I asked him with a slight smile.

Elijah nodded his head and motioned for me to grab my phone. Walking out of the room and towards the back porch, "Lombardi." I spoke as I answered the call.

A sigh was heard before I heard a familiar voice, "Ellie... Aar-Aaron was attacked by Foyet." was all I heard Emily say before I stalled.


Aaron was stabbed?

I don't even know what to say or-or think right now.

"What happened Em? I thought Foyet went away!" I hurriedly questioned my friend.

It took her a few seconds but she cleared her throat, "We're still trying to figure that out right now... it looks like Foyet ambushed Hotch in his home. He was dropped off at the hospital with Morgan's creds, that's how we found him." I clung on to every word that she was saying, "As of right now he is unconscious because he just got out of surgery to repair the injuries but it looks like he is going to be okay." Emily explained the situation.

My back dropped against the wall and before I knew it tears were making their way down my face. Taking a deep, but extremely shaky, breath I nodded my head to myself, "Okay, okay, uhm... I guess I will be back down there in a couple of hours. I'll do whatever I can do to help." I muttered before hanging up the call.

Hearing someone clear their throat behind me, I turned around and saw my father standing in the doorway, "What's going on baby?".

At the sudden presence of my father, I hurriedly wiped my tears and almost cringed at the feeling of the rough jacket material scraped against my face. However much I tried there were no words coming out from my mouth.

Seconds later my dad came and stood next to me, "Honey..?" he questioned me again trying to figure out what was going on.

"I gotta' get back to D.C. Daddy... something- something bad happened to one of-"

"Honey it was this mysterious guy wasn't it?" he asked me before I could lie about who it was.

Without me even saying anything he pulled me into a hug before leading me to my room and packing my things into my suitcases.

"I'll tell Mamma that you're leaving... just go be there for him okay? I love you." was the last thing that my dad said to me before he shut the door of the cab and sent me on my way.

I tried to not cry on the ride to the airport, but there was no way that it wasn't going to happen.

Knowing that he was attacked by Foyet... I knew that this situation was far, far, from done.

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a/n: i could deny it no longer... i'm sorry.

you guys aren't going to like me... but i promise it will end well :]



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