chapter three

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a/n: please this picture brings me too much joy :]


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** Ellie's pov **

I never wanted to be the only tech analyst that was around for an entire week ever again.

You see, Penelope was currently on a week long vacation meaning that I would be the only one available to help people. With the both of us the countless requests we got would go by way faster, but more importantly it was way less stressful. It had been four days and I couldn't wait for her to get back.

Walking back to my office after grabbing a bottle of water from the little kitchen area I could hear a faint ringing tone. Shit! Jogging back quickly I made it towards my office and picked up the phone, "Welcome to the office of extravagant Ellie Lombardi. How may I help you?" I questioned whoever was on the other line.

A short chuckle was heard, "Well hello there Lombardi. I need some assistance short stuff." Morgan asked me.

Making a sound of agreement he started to list off the things that I needed to look out for, "Okay E, I need you to crosslist everyone that has a criminal past for sex based crimes. Think peeping tom's or indecent exposures, they might have more smaller crimes like petty theft or things like that. Do you think you can do that?" he asked me.

Are you serious right now, can I do that?

Scoffing I slightly shook my head, "Serious offense to that sentence Derek, serious, huge! Just because I am not Penelope does not mean that I can not handle this. I will call when I have what you asked for. Goodbye!" I exclaimed, slamming the button to hang up on the call.

My hands started typing out angrily on my keyboard starting the process of finding what the team needed.

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** time skip **

After an hour of hacking and searching into a million different databases and sites I had finally found a link between the victims. Deciding that I didn't want to talk to Derek for at least another hour or two I dialed Spencer's phone number.

"Hey Ellie, I didn't think that you would call me. Normally you call Hotch." he said to me with a confused tone. Chuckling I shook my head, "Well yea I normally do but after he yelled at me last week to take care of myself I don't really want to talk to him right now. You, my friend, are the one that I am calling now." I explained while spinning around in my chair.

Hearing movement on the other end of the call I waited for someone to say something, "Okay I put you on speaker Ellie. Go ahead." Spencer encouraged me to speak.

Clearing my throat I looked back to my screen, "Okay uh- sorry I was spinning around for too long. So I was cross referencing the victims and literally everything that they did every second of every day. They all crossover the same three places two days a week. It was weird though because it seems like it doesn't fit in with their social life. Completely off course for what they do in life," Hotch cleared his throat.

"Right sorry, so uhm it's a small little reclaimed furniture store downtown. Now looking at all of the crime scene photos I've seen the furniture that they have and then looked at the items the store has and it doesn't even look like the same stuff." I rambled out.

"So they are going to this store for no reason... they aren't buying anything?" Rossi asked me.

Taking a deep breath I started to dive deeper into the victims financial records, "I was trying to find something earlier to see if they were buying even a piece of candy at this store and the bank wouldn't let me see their refunded purchases so I gave up with them. The process of hacking through their system just finished now so I will let you guys know as soon as I find it." I told whoever was listening on the other end.

"Thank you Ellie!" Emily yelled out before ending the call.

Opening a software to find any little purchase that was to that little random store I leaned back in my chair, "Okay one little three minute break and then I will come back and check in on the search." I mumbled to myself.

Pushing my chair back I stood up and walked out of my office towards the vending machines. "Excuse me ma'am could you tell me where Aaron Hotchner is please? I have a letter to deliver." the stranger behind me asked.

Turning around I smiled at the suit clad man, "Ah I'm sorry he is out on business right now in another state. I can take it for you though I'll make sure that it gets to him when he gets back." explaining to him while placing my hand out to take the letter.

"I don't know if I can do that. Mr. Hotchner is being served with his divorce papers. Does he know you outside of work?" he questioned me.

Do I know him outside of work?

"Yes of course I know him outside of work. Is there anything I could sign to say that they were delivered to me so I'm liable? Do you want me to call your boss or something? I can totally do that." I rambled out trying to let him give me the papers.

Having worked with this team for the time that I have, I knew that once Hotch got back from a case he wouldn't want to be served divorce papers by someone he doesn't know. Maybe me telling him would lessen the blow?

Oh gosh. I have no clue how to tell someone that their wife is divorcing them.

The stranger smiled at me for a second before handing me the thick manilla envelope, "You seem to know him very well and he seems to trust you around the office. Here you go, now I will be going. Have a good rest of your day!" he exclaimed before leaving towards the elevator.

Looking down at the package I ran a shaky hand through my hair, "Ok ok everything is fine. Let's get back to searching for whatever they need and then we can think about whatever I am going to tell Hotch." I said to myself, walking back towards my lair.

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a/n: ok ok so I didn't want to have hailey die because it would throw off my planned out plot. i hope that you guys don't mind me changing out the plot of the show... most of these chapters will be based around an episode maybe but probably not most.

i hope that you enjoyed this new chapter and that you have a wonderful rest of your day!!!


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