𝖢𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝗍𝗐𝗈:𝖴𝗇𝗁𝗈𝗅𝗒 𝖦𝗂𝗋𝗅

Comenzar desde el principio


"PLEASE!" Emmy pleaded to her manager, "don't make me do this! I don't want this I'm not comfortable. My mother went against me, she knew I didn't want this!" She cried.

"She came in and told me that you wanted this." He said, Emmy looked at him with teary eyes, she shook her head as a tear fell out of her eye.

"I'm sorry..." he said, watching the young girl "please can I just continue serving, I'll stay longer, I'll do anything. I just never want to be know as someone who did that." Emmy said.

"I can't pay you anymore, if you'd stay longer." He sighed "that's fine! I don't care how much I get paid!" She exclaimed "your free to go, kiddo." He smiled.

"Thank you so much!"

She walked out the office and leaned against the wall beside the bathrooms, she smiled to herself and took a deep breath.

She looked down and was away to walked away, just as she took her second step her body collided with someone else's "I'm so sorry!" She said worriedly.

Emmy looked up and saw the most handsomest boys she'd ever seen, his pretty light brown eyes, was the first thing she noticed. Her grandma always told her to look out for nice eyes, since they stay the same colour forever.

"Your alright, love." He smiled, god his smile, it was charming. Emmy could feel the butterflies fly around her stomach like crazy, she smiled at him.

"I'm John, John Lennon." He said "Clementine, Emmy Darling." She replied with.

John couldn't believe who he was speaking too, the girl, the one from the club and he'd never been so pleased about it.

"Your not from around here are you?" He questioned, "no. Born and raised in Brooklyn." She smiled.

He remembered Astrid mentioning the fact that she was born and raised in Brooklyn, he had heard a lot about Brooklyn, it seemed like a lovely place.

"I assumed your not from around here?" Emmy asked, "no, I'm from Liverpool." He said.

Liverpool, she'd never heard of it "where's that?" She questioned with furrowed eyebrows "England." chuckled John.

"Huh...nice." Emmy laughed.

"Where you going to the bathrooms?" She asked "yeah, to check up on one of my mates he's with a bird, he's been in there for quite some time." He said.

Clementine chuckled, "I'll leave you too it then, I'll see you out there."

With that, the young girl walked away from the Liverpudlian boy with a large smile plastered on her face, John watched her walk away with a smirk on his face, he prayed that the two would run into each other again.


JOHN LENNON watched Emmy leaned her head back as she laughed, "why don't you just ask her out?" Astrid asked him as she sat down beside him.

"Your normally quite confident when it comes to girls." She added, John looked at her and sighed.

"It's just something about her, I feel like I can't do that to her. I feel like she's a fragile doll, if I touch her she'll just break." He said, Astrid smiled.

"I think you better hurry, looks like Paul is making him move on her, right now." The girl said, watching as the McCartney boy begun to talk to Emmy.

"Hello love." He said to the blonde girl "hello." She replied softly, with a small smile.

"Could I just mention you look really beautiful." He said, Emmy blushed slightly.

"Thank you." She said "you played well up there." She put some glasses back into the drawers.

"Cheers." He smiled charmingly, Emmy looked away and looked through the swaying crowd.

All the bands had finished for the night, which just left music playing from the speakers, Clementine bobbed her head to the music and smiled slightly.

As the song finished, one of Emmys favourites, Rockin' Robin by Bobby Day.

She smiled widely, Paul watched as her face practically lit up, John watched from across the room, he smiled as she begun to dance behind the bar.

Her hair fell into her face as she twirled around happily, John watched her intensely, god he didn't even really know her and he was mesmerised by her.

She twisted her body side to side. Paul looked back at John and smiled gesturing towards her.

John looked at him and nodded his head, he looked away when he heard the sound of a camera click, John saw Astrid holding her camera towards Emmys direction.

As the picture printed out, he could see the vivid picture of her with a large smile on her face as she was mid way through spinning around.

"Keep it." Astrid smiled passing the picture to John, "what so he can wank off to it?" Paul chuckled as he walked over.

"Shut it McCartney." John grumbled.

The Lennon boy could see the blonde giggling to her friend, and in that very moment John knew, he just knew that he was going to get her.


𝖪𝖨𝖫𝖫𝖤𝖱 𝖰𝖴𝖤𝖤𝖭 || 𝖩𝖮𝖧𝖭 𝖫𝖤𝖭𝖭𝖮𝖭 ||Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora