Turning to Katherine, I see her watching me. "Don't do it." She warns before I can get a word out.

"Do what?" I ask as I continue to watch the model.

"Don't impose yourself on her. We both know what your intentions are and how it will turn out. Besides, aren't you here with Beth? I swear I saw her here somewhere."

"You're a pain in my ass Lauler. What do you know of my intentions?" I ask knowing full well that I shouldn't.

"Enough to warn you away from my friend and I mean what I said. Stay away from her Corey."

Irritated, I counter, "I don't need warning. All I want to know is her name."

Katherine gives me a look. One that says how stupid do you think I am, then she makes her point by saying, "isn't that how these things usually get started?"

I want to stamp on her for being a pest. "Maybe but in this case no." I lied because I have every intention to do just what she's warning me of.

"So why then?" she badgers.

"What's with the third degree Lauler?"

She's starting to get on my nerves. Katherine and I go way back, we grew up together. Her parents and mine are very close friends. We've bathed and slept together as children. With all the things our parents used to make us do as kids, she could practically be my sister. Lauler is the only woman I won't sink my cock into because it's practically incest and she would drive me insane.

"Just protecting my friend Corey."

We have an unspoken rule; I never mess with her friends. "Fine, I get it but it's not what you think."

"And would you care to clarify my thoughts?" she asks knowing.

It appears that Katherine is in the mood to chastise me and I'm going to hammer her if she doesn't stop.

"Jesus Christ woman! Stop blocking me. You know there are other ways I can find out and get what I want. I'm choosing to do it this way so knock it off." I raise my brows letting her know that I could do with a challenge.

"Go ahead and do whatever it is you do Corey. I won't help and I will warn her too. I won't make it easy for you."

"I don't care."

Just as Lauler is about to walk away, Beth comes back and she greets Katherine coldly, then she shows me the ring on her finger.


For the rest of the evening, I think about the model. She looks familiar, but I can't put my finger on where I know her from. When it's time to leave, I find myself looking for her.

We're at the front door waiting for my car when I run into few of my father's friends and people I know through business. We go through the tedious motion of shaking hands and making small talk while we wait for our vehicles.

I'm about to head out when I spot Katherine and the model, so I tell Beth to go to the car then I walk over to the women. "Hi," I said to the girl ignoring Katherine. "You didn't tell me your name."

Swallowing she looks to Katherine as if she's asking permission to speak to me. "You don't have to tell him if you don't want to doll, ignore him even," Katherine quips rudely.

Not taking my eyes off the model I say, "I'm sure you're not rude though."

"You're right. I'm Lee."

For some reason, I find the name annoying, it doesn't suit her. It's too plain for such an exotic creature.

"It's nice to meet you, Lee. I'm Corey. You look beautiful tonight."

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