Twenty-four ~ Julia

Start from the beginning

I gave myself a hug as my eyes slid shut and my head tilted back letting the breeze hit my face. I enjoyed the sound of birds and let my mind clear itself. It wasn't until I heard a sound of a engine heading my way that I opened my eyes. Headed my way was Alex on a motorcycle. He pulled up to my porch and turned off the bike. He took the helmet off and flashed me one of his charming smiles before greeting me. "Hey you."

My eyes went straight to his bike as he climbed off it. I couldn't help but to address it. "Is that your bike?"

He looked at the black motorcycle. "Sure is." When he looked at me once more, I could see the passion in his eyes.

"I didn't know you owned a motorcycle."

Alex smile only dropped slightly as he studied me with his eyes. "Well, I can't ride it as much being a dad and all. I'm sorry. Do you not like motorcycles?"

My heart felt like it dropped at his sudden question. I was surprised he could tell there was something wrong. However, it wasn't the fact I didn't like it. I always thought motorcycles were cool.

"It's not that. I just-" I trialed off. Alex stood there as he continued to look at me without saying a word. He stood there patiently waiting for an answer. I didn't know what made me tell him the truth, but once I started, I couldn't hold back. "I-I've never rode one before. I mean, I've wanted to in the past." Alex smile returned, but more gentle then before. So, I continued with my explanation. "But, my parents always said that motorcycles weren't meant for a girl and no good guy wants a girl who wilds out on a bike." That's when a laugh arose from Alex. I was beyond confused about why he was laughing because I didn't see anything funny. "What's so funny?"

His laughter slowed to a chuckle before he answered me. "I'm sorry, but your parents really did do a number on you didn't they? Not all good guys care if women ride a motorcycle or not. In fact, some might find it hot." My cheeks all of sudden grew hot and I couldn't understand why. Maybe it was just because I never had a guy think anything I did was hot in any remote way. I wasn't a hundred percent sure, but I hoped that it wasn't noticeable to Alex in the slightest.

I looked at the motorcycle once more. The thought of riding a motorcycle did excite me, but I feared that something bad would happen if I rode it. Maybe there was a reason I hadn't been on one all these years. "I don't know. What if I fall?" I asked in a more hush tone before looking at him again.

Alex walked over to me and took my hands gently in his own. He looked me deep in the eyes. "I promise you won't fall off." It must have been obvious that I was still on edge about it because he continued on. "I'll make you a deal. How about you give it a try and, if you want to stop at any time, I will turn around and take you home. No questions asked. Deal?"

He flashed me another smile and I figured it was a way to reassure me. I didn't know what it was about Alex, but he made me feel like everything was going to be okay. I wanted to trust him, so I decided to take a leap of faith as I returned his smile with one of my own. "Deal."

I could see the joy in Alex rise. "I promise you won't regret it," he told me as he went over to his bike and grabbed the spare helmet. He placed it on my head and worked on tighten the strap. "All you have to do is hold on to me tight and follow my lead."

I followed his instructions and held on to his waist tight once I was behind him on the bike. I could smell his cologne and it only became stronger when we took off and the wind blew against us. I looked out and saw the trees and could hear the birds chirping. I had to admit it. So far, I wasn't regretting it. Now I couldn't understand why my parents were ever against motorcycles. Especially when they made you feel so free.

I was brought back to reality when Alex pulled to a stop and turned off the ignition. I climbed off the bike and took my helmet off taking in the scenery. "Where are we?"

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