Twenty-four ~ Julia

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A/N: I'm going to try to stay on track. I apologize for this not being posted yesterday. My mind has been on my baby girl right now because I may have to give birth earlier than 40 weeks. I may go back to every other week instead of weekly if I do go on weekly monitoring. Also, I did rewrite the ending of the last chapter after the XXX. Anyway, hope you enjoy.

It was almost time for Alex to show up at my place. My heart pounded in my chest as I looked at the clock. I still couldn't believe that I had agreed to go out with him today. How did I let this happen? What a stupid question. I knew how it happened. I was lost in his blue eyes as he begged me for a chance to prove things would be different. So, how could I say no? Simple. I couldn't. There was just something about Alex.

"Stop it, Julia," I told myself in a hush tone. I was starting to lose myself and I couldn't let that happen again.

"Talking to yourself?" I turned around in the vanity chair and there stood Kayla in my bedroom doorway.

"Hello to you too, Kayla," I mumbled. This week couldn't fly by fast enough. As much as I despised her, I wanted nothing more than things to be different between her and Ryan.

"What are you getting all prettied up for?" she asked as she crossed her arms and looked me over.

"To hang out with a friend." It wasn't any of her business, but I didn't have anything to hide either. "Aren't you supposed to be at work soon?"

Kayla's eyes narrowed. It was obvious she didn't like that I knew her schedule for this week, but I wanted to make sure she wasn't slipping. I wanted her to save her relationship without me doing the work for her this time. "Do you really need to know when I work?"

"I just want to make sure you don't screw this up."

Kayla rolled her eyes which didn't surprise me. There was still some signs of the same old Kayla. However, I didn't expect her to change overnight. These things did take time. "I'm not going to screw it up, mom. Just get off my back."

I snorted at her remark and rolled my eyes before turning back to my vanity. "I'm not trying to be on your back, Kayla. I just don't want you to mess this up. You were given a second chance at having a family. Despite our differences, I just want you to be happy believe it or not," I told her as I tended to my hair.

"If you wanted me happy, you wouldn't have gotten in between Alex and my relationship," I heard her mumble underneath her breath.

I scoffed and face toward her once more. Kayla had a look of disgust painted on her face as she stared me down. I couldn't believe she was still on this. "I didn't get between you and Alex. You screwed up your own relationship. Besides, I thought you were over him and in love with Ryan."

"I am. That doesn't mean I still can't be hurt that my friend stole my boyfriend from me."

I stared in disbelief at her and wondered if she heard the irony coming from her mouth. From the look on her face, I could tell she probably didn't. "I didn't steal your boyfriend, Kayla."

She held her hand up in the air as a way of telling me she didn't want to hear whatever I had to say. "It's fine. I got to get to work." With that, she turned on her heel and walked away ending our conversation.

I sat there dumbfounded and lost for words. I couldn't understand how she could still blame me for her losing her boyfriend. Especially since she had finally moved on and had started a new relationship. I didn't know how I would make it through this week.

I needed fresh air. By the time I made my way out the door, Kayla's car wasn't in sight. I silently thanked the Lord she was gone so she didn't lash out on me again. We just needed a break from each other. It was probably just pregnancy hormones anyway.

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