Five ~ Alex

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Anger boiled up in me as I leaned on the kitchen counter and stared at the angry blonde on the other side. I tried to keep my focus on her and not the things she had turned over in my home earlier. I still couldn't believe that I had ever fell for this woman. I prayed this would be her last attempt at trying to get back and would take a hint. Otherwise, I would have to go ahead and call the cops next time. I knew how these situations turned out. People usually believed the woman when she cried out victim and I didn't need that. Especially since that would put everything I have worked for at risk. I would lose my beloved job and she wasn't worth that.

Kayla stared me down as tears swelled up in her eyes. "Alex, why can't you just give me another chance? I would be a perfect wife and stepmother." I almost cringed at the thought.

"I don't doubt that," I lied. For me, she would never be a perfect wife. She wasn't the type of wife I was looking for and our lifestyles clashed. As for a stepmother, I believe she should never be a mother. At least, not any time soon. "However, I just don't think we are the best match. Sometimes things don't work out between-"

"Stop talking to me like I'm a child!" she hissed before picking up a plate and throwing it at me. I managed to dodge it.

I glared at her. I had, had enough of her bullshit. "Then don't act like one. You're throwing a temper tantrum because you're not getting your way and now you're literally throwing things at me." As I was defending myself, I saw Julia step into the door frame as she crossed her arms and narrowed her gaze at Kayla's back. I was took aback when I saw her. She was in a dress that defined her curves and was standing in wedges.

"I just wanted another chance," Kayla continued to try to plea her case. However, I was somewhat distracted with Julia. "What are you looking at?" Kayla turned on her heel and met Julia's gaze. "What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be on a date?" Julia had a date?

"I was, but it got cut short because I received a call from Alex where I could hear you yelling," she responded.

I could of sworn I could maybe see a hence of embarrassment wash over Kayla's face just before hurt took over. She turned her gaze on me. "How could you do that to me. Did our relationship really mean nothing to you?"

My jaw clenched at the assumption. I wanted to tell her to stop trying to make me out to be the bad guy. However, I decided against it. "Just because I no longer want to be with you, doesn't mean I never cared for you, Kayla."

"Kayla-" Julia began. This drew both our attention toward Julia who held Aimee close. I hadn't even noticed she had snuck down here. She had her arms wrapped around Julia as she stood by her. Julia's eyes were narrowed and I could tell she was getting tired of Kayla's nonsense like me. "Can we please just go?"

Annoyance was written all over Kayla's face and I was afraid she would just go back to trying to get her way even with my daughter present. However, to my shock, she took a deep breath before saying "fine". As she left the kitchen, Aimee eyes followed her as she clung to Julia. It wasn't until Julia tried to leave as well that Aimee truly reacted. Her hand reached out to grab Julia's hand before pleading "please don't go".

Julia knelt in front of Aimee and gave her a soft smile. "I have to go. I have to take Kayla home," she told her.

When I saw the sadness in my little girl's eyes, it broke my heart. Aimee had lost a lot and she wasn't even ten yet. First her mom, now Kayla. I couldn't let her lose Julia too. "Please," Aimee continued to plead.

Before Julia had a chance to object, I stepped in quickly with the first thought that crossed my mind. "How about you help finish packing up Kayla's stuff so you can take it back with you. That way she doesn't have anymore excuses to come over here. Then you could read Aimee a story before you leave."

Julia's smile never died, but, her eyes showed me that I had caught her off guard. For a moment, I thought she wouldn't take me up on the offer as she looked back Aimee and gave her a bigger smile. "Anything for Aimee." This earned a smile from my little girl who hugged Julia tight around the neck. Julia didn't hesitate to hug her tight before standing up. "I just need to get Kayla home first," she told her before making her way out the door.

Aimee tried to chase after her, but I called after her not wanting her to be put in the middle of the drama even more. "Aimee." She stopped and looked at me as I gave her a warm smile. "Why don't you go back to your room and wait for Julia? She'll come read a story after we're all done loading up the car. Okay?"

Aimee's lip poked out in disappointment, but she slowly nodded. "Okay, daddy," she responded in slight defeat before disappearing.

With that, I walked outside with my hands stuffed in my pockets. As I stepped outside, a man, who I didn't recognize stepped outside a truck. He was smiling big as Julia strolled up to him. I could have just left and gave the two their privacy since it was obvious to me that she knew him, but I decided to stay there to keep an eye over Julia. Although Kayla and I were no longer dating, Julia had become a close friend and I didn't want anything happening to her.

"Ryan, I need to stay behind and pack Kayla's stuff up. Can you please take Kayla home?" Julia asked withdrawing her keys and holding it up for him.

The guy's smile quickly dropped and he looked irritated. Still, he took the key from Julia. His eyes met mine for brief moment before meeting Julia's gaze once more. "Sure," was all he said before kissing her cheek as he stole a quick glance at me again.

I fought my urge to roll my eyes. I didn't know him very well, but so far he just didn't seem right for Julia and she deserved better. Wait. Why did I care who she dated? She was old enough to choose who to date. She didn't need my opinion. "Thanks. I'll make it up to you." She walked over to the car's window and knocked. Kayla rolled it down with an annoyed look still on her face. "You're going to be going with Ryan in his truck. I'm going to drive your car home later because I'm going to stay here and pack up your stuff. That way you don't have anymore excuses to come over here and start anymore drama," she informed Kayla.

"How dare you," Kayla lashed out. "You're sleeping with him aren't you?"

Pain washed over Julia's face and I decided to step in and defend her. "Kayla, cut it out."

It didn't seem I didn't help much as she scoffed. "You are sleeping with him."

"I'm not sleeping with him, Kayla. I'm just staying so I can get your stuff so Aimee isn't hurt any more than she already has by your commotions."

Kayla rolled her eyes at this as if not buying it. "Whatever," was all she said before rolling up her window. Then she got out of her car slamming the door behind her. She shoved the keys into Julia's hands before joining Ryan in his truck.

When they were gone, Julia turned around and I was met with nothing but sadness in her face. I couldn't help but to feel bad for her. How could a friend treat another friend like that? Especially a friend like Julia.

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