Eighteen ~ Alex

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I couldn't understand why Julia had snuck out of the house. No amount of words could explain how disappointed I was when I woke up to an empty bed. Had I done something wrong? Maybe I shouldn't have kissed her. Stupid. I was moving too fast and spooked her off. I had to fix things between us. I just didn't know how. I had been trying to call and text her, but she never picked up the phone or responded to any of my messages.

"Earth to Alex," my partner called out. I snapped out of my thoughts and made eye contact with Mike who sat in the cop car with me.


"We got a 273D in process," Mike informed me. Domestic violence. It made my blood boil for reasons I didn't want admit. "Are you okay, man?"

I nodded not wanting my personal life to take over my work life. Especially since I was there to protect and serve. "Yeah. Let's go."

Mike picked up the radio and told the receiver "10-4" before turning on the lights and putting his foot to the petal.

We pulled up to a small cottage house and knocked on the door before announcing "police open up". No one said anything in response. All we could hear was screaming and a woman begging for help.

So, we broke down the door with guns drawn and hurried through the house. We came face to face with a man holding a knife to a woman's neck in a bedroom. "Put the knife down," Mike demanded.

The man ignored the cop as he hid behind the woman and turned his eyes on her. "Did you call the cops?" he asked in a demanding tone.

The woman's face was covered in tears as her hands gripped his arm that held her close to his chest. Her eyes darted between him and us and I could see the desperation in her face. "No! I swear! It must have been the neighbors," she cried trying to defend herself.

His jaw worked. "Stop lying to me! All you do is lie to me! You lied when you said you loved me. You lied when you said you wouldn't leave me. You lied to me-"

"Please put your knife down," I began to plea to him once I saw a little boy peak up from behind the chair in the corner. "You don't want to do this. Especially in front of your son." I hoped the thought of his son would make him rethink what he was doing. However, he just pushed on.

"Why not? She didn't care if it hurt our son or not by taking him away from me."

"Please," the woman begged once more. "I'm sorry."

I decided to try another approach since the terror in the little boy's eyes were apparent. "At least let my partner take your son out of here so he won't have to see anything. Be the bigger person," I told him pretending to be on his side.

The man thought for a moment before speaking. "Fine. But no funny business."

Mike quickly put his gun away while I kept my gun trained on the man. Then, Mike went over to get the little boy while the man dragged the woman more to the side to ensure Mike wouldn't try to attack him. Mike quickly swept the boy in his hands and took the boy out to safety while he cried out for his mom.

My heart sank for the boy and it was then I knew I had to get the boy's mom out no matter what. I didn't want him going through what I had. "Look. You don't want your son growing up without either of his parents. I get it. So, why don't you put your knife away before things get out of hand."

"Shut up! I'm not leaving without my wife. She is everything to me. If I die, so does she."

The terror in the woman's eyes grew and I knew he meant every word by the look on her face. This probably wasn't the first time he had done anything to threaten her life or even said those words. I tried to think quickly on my feet what to do next when the woman took a risk and threw her elbow in his ribs. It was hard enough to make him let her go, but the shock of the blow caused the knife to nick her neck. She didn't stop to react however. Instead, she took off running to safety.

The man tried to run after her, but I stood my ground with the gun pointed at him. "Drop the knife, man. I really don't want your son to grow up without a father." I knew either way he was going to jail. However, this was the only pay I could think of to get him to drop the knife so I wouldn't have to shoot him.

His jaw tighten as he held his hands up and dropped the knife to the ground. I was grateful that he took my advice because the last thing I wanted was to kill him. He was someone's son and father after all. I quickly put my gun away and went for my handcuffs so I could arrest the guy. My mistake was not searching him to make sure he didn't have anymore weapons. As soon as my guard was down, he withdrew a blade from his back pocket and stabbed me through my bulletproof vest with so much force that he managed to stab me as well.

Instinct kicked in as I punched him in the jaw knocking him to the ground. I had so much adrenaline pumping through my veins that I hadn't even noticed the pain from where he stabbed me or the fact the knife was still punctured inside me. Instead, I was focused on tackling him while he was on the ground and quickly threw the cuffs on him.

It wasn't until Mike made his way back into the house that I noticed that the knife was still not only in my vest, but also the pain. "Shit dude." I looked up at him and saw his eyes were focused on the knife. "We need a ambulance to 1541 Andrews St. We have an officer down," Mike spoke in the radio on his uniform before rushing over to me as I stood up.

"I'm fine," I hissed.

"No you're not," he pushed as he pulled the guy off the ground.

"Yes I am. It's the woman who needs an ambulance. She was nicked in the neck."

Mike rolled his eyes. "The ambulance was called for her as soon as I saw her running out. I made sure she was fine before running back in here to assist you."

I followed slowly behind Mike trying to ignore the pain in my side. "I'm fine. I need to go pick up Aimee. It's her first day back to school," I mumbled.

Mike shook his head. "Fuck that. You're going to the hospital and I don't want to hear anything about it anymore. I'll call someone to pick her up for you."

My jaw tighten because I knew this wasn't an argument I was going to win. However, I was crushed I wasn't going to be the one picking up my little girl on her first day back to school.

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