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Dressed in a yellow oversized sweatshirt, and black pants, Jungkook shuffled the sweater paws that he head, scratching his cheek as Hoseok tied the laces for his converse high tops. 

Taehyung was talking with Jimin regarding security when he saw the bunny scratching at his skin every now and then. 

He gave the final orders, before moving forward to where Jungkook sat on the couch, eating the cereal that his Jinie Hyung had given him. Taehyung crouched in front of his bunny, who looked at him with puppy eyes, cheeks fluffed up as he chewed on his cereal, a pout on his lips. 

The elder smiled, before turning the bunny's face, and caressing his cheeks softly, when he realized the younger's skin was dry. 

His face grew blank as he stood up. 

'Jin hyung?' 

'Yes, Tae?' 

'Before visiting the park, we're going to the mall, Jungkook's getting the best skin care, and you'll have to help me in choosing.' 

Jin shook his head and nodded, making a face towards the bunny, whose ears had risen, and gotten back to life as he stared at them curiously and ended up giggling at Jin making a funny face. 


After eating the brains of the shop's manager and consulting Jin enough times that the elder was fast asleep, tired from having his brain function and his mouth talk, Taehyung rubbed the moisturizer against his bunny's cheeks, after lapping up his whole face and helping him comb through the fur of his bunny ears. 

Jungkook snuggled with his tiger plushie as he was settled in the car, on his boyfriend's lap, and they moved forward to a family date.


'Did you wash your hands? What about the machine? Wear gloves! Here, no, let me make it myself! Jimin-I care of Koo's health-' 

Jimin smiled nervously, before smacking the mafia's head, and making Suga take him away as Taehyung continued to ask about cleanliness. 

'Please, give me 8 cotton candies.' 

The vendor shakily wore the black gloves that the mafia had handed to him and continued to prepare the cotton candies, handing them one by one to Jimin, whilst Taehyung murmured profanities about starting a cotton candy shop for his bunny in the background. 

Jimin sighed, 

'Pray to the lord, this man leaves our Koo and every around him sane enough.' 


'Ish yummy-kwookie woves it!'- the bunny exclaimed, chewing on the fluffs of cotton candy as Taehyung stared at him with heart eyes, his own being eaten by a stray dog to the side. 

Hoseok, who had been enjoying his single life until then stared in the direction fo the gangster looking at Jungkook's every action and holding his heart. 

'Thank god I'm not in a relationship.'-with that, he began to talk animatedly to the puppies, as he shared his cotton candy. 

As Jungkook looked at his hyungie having given his sweet to the dog, he frowned, before taking a small cotton ball in his hand, and moving it towards Taehyung, who shook his head, before cupping Koo's cheeks and pressing his lips against them. 



Jin sat, drinking juice as Namjoon fanned him after his exercise. Jimin was lying, half dead after having a nice laugh session with Hoseok, on Suga. Meanwhile, a worried bunny patted his boyfriend's cheeks, bringing him back to life, and cleaning the leaves out of his hair, before patting them, 

'Are you okay, Taetae?' 

'If getting chased like a dog for just kissing you publically is-Jin Hyung, what will you do when I take down this bunny on our wed- SORRY! NOT THE PAN! SORRY!' 


'Can I help? Can Kookie help-pleaseee!' - the bunny boy joined hands and so he was given the task to hold the plastic plate pack whilst Namjoon and Hoseok laid down the big blanket for their picnic. 

The park was now empty, completely, or more like they had gotten it empty. 

The vendors, after keeping their food packed had left the place, while the bodyguards surrounded the boundaries. 

Taehyung sat down and brought the younger one to sit on his lap. The rest followed, soon making a circle, and opening up the containers of food. While eating, they began to chat about various things.

Today, as Taehyung joined in the laughter, holding his bunny close to himself, he looked at all of them.

And looking at everyone like that, from his closest people to the person whom he loved the most, he felt like the moment should remain as it is forever. They, together, with a smile on their face, 7 until the end. 

He smiled, as Jungkook tossed a marshmallow in his mouth and giggled. He smiled when Jin made a joke and the rest didn't laugh except Jimin and Jungkook who began to gasp for air. He smiled as Namjoon discussed his increasing interest in art, He smiled as Hoseok began to talk about what he had been learning to dance, he smiled when Jin told about new recipes he'd been trying, he laughed as Jimin began to talk about how much things he had bought and how funny it was to see him irritated in meetings, he chuckled when Suga began to doze off there and then after nodding to all their talks, and he laughed when Jungkook turned around to give him a peck, before joining in the food. 

This was what he wanted them to be like. 



7 of them. 

But that wasn't possible, and still, he'd try to get back such moments where they can talk without worrying, all of them healthy, happy, and safe. 


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