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Meanwhile, V walked through the floors, up the stairs, into his room, where he settled the boy's figure, before pressing a button on the menu attached above the nightstand, and soon enough, a doctor, followed by a nurse came in, not before knocking his door and taking his permission.

'Treat him, and tell me what he is, exactly. Don't dare do anything else.'- he ordered, while the other two nodded, in submission and fear.

He sat down on the couch in the corner of his room, picking up the bottle of red wine from the table in front of him and taking down half the bottle in a gulp.

He stared, right at the boy's face, as the doctor treated him, while the nurse did her work of helping and writing stuff down.

Once done, which took around 20 minutes, they turned to V, who crossed his legs, in a manly way and with a wave of his hand, motioned them to speak.

'Sir, as per his condition, it seems like he hasn't eaten for long, his body is clearly deprived of required nutrients, energy, or even water for that sake. His blood sugar levels are low. This means, his physical health is quite a bit degraded. Other than that, his body, has marks as if someone has abused him physically, no signs of rape, but there are signs of beating, which might include using whips or belts. Apart from all of it, some wounds look fresh, some are old, and there's an infection in a few due to lack of treatment and sanitization. About his...um...'

The doctor gulped as V gazed at him darkly.

'He seems to be a- an h-hybrid, sir, however, this kind of thing has only been thought of as fictional experimental things, there isn't any real scientific research about it, however, we had heard, that a scientist had tried to turn humans to animal hybrids. We're not sure, but those ears seem attached, in fact, there should be a tail too, and as it seems, this guy looked like he's a bunny hybrid...'

V nodded, and they took it as a cue to leave.

The man stood up, walked over to the boy, turned him to one side, and pulled his shorts down, seeing a fluffy tail jump on his face, the tail was fluffy white, like a big-sized cotton ball, however, it was quite big enough to be hidden beneath a short.

V stared at the menu over the nightstand once again, before pressing another button.

This time, an old lady, with a soft smile came in, and stood there, while V stared at the hybrid.

'Please clean him up and make him wear suitable clothes.'

The old lady nodded and walked out, coming in a bit later with a boy, younger than V himself, his features the same as a bunny, but he wasn't a true bunny. He held a big water bucket, while the lady had a few pairs of towels with her.

V walked over to his walk-in wardrobe, before checking it out, and soon came back, dropping the big white hoodie and pair of shorts on the bed, before he went to the washroom himself.

As soon as he closed the door behind him, the lady made her son keep the bucket aside, and the boy softly pulled the hybrid to the corner of the bed.

They carefully, yet with difficulty washed his hair, trying their best to not touch the ears and once the hair and face were clean, the boy gasped, 'He's so cute, nani!'-he whispered to his grandmother who nodded, 'Don't say it in front of V, Soobin-ah, we still don't know what's the relation of the boy with V, hm?' - to this Soobin nodded, smiling.

The boy helped the old lady in cleaning and soon enough they dressed the hybrid in the provided clothes, not to forget, the boy, being cleverly made a small hole in the shorts so that the tail could freely spring out.

As they were done, the nurse walked in and gasped at the sleeping hybrid's cuteness, and beauty, however, she hurriedly treated the cuts, while the boy helped her too, and as they were done, V entered, dressed in sweatpants and a tank shirt.

'Is it done?'

They nodded, and so he moved his gaze to the hybrid, before pointing his chin to the other side, towards the door, so that the others quickly went out, without saying a word.

V put his phone on charging, before settling on the bed beside the hybrid's figure. He slowly made him face his direction and to say he was fascinated would be an understatement.

The boy was the definition of cuteness, and otherwise, if it were not for the slightly sunken cheeks and eyebags, and small scratches and cuts, V would say the bunny hybrid is quite beautiful.

V's cold fingers made their way over to the boy's cheek, and he moved them softly over his eyes, to his nose to his lips, stopping there, before he smirked.

'You're mine, KooKoo~'


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