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V woke up to someone writhing beside him. His first thought was someone trying to attack him silently. He woke up and checked the laser beams around his bed.

Yes, he had top security. In fact, his room alone was one of the most protected rooms in the whole mansion, with a secret panic room included. Every night before going to sleep, he'd activate laser beams around his bed, so that in case someone tries to enter and attack, they get chopped to pieces.

He turned off the laser beams, and then with a wave of his hand over the nightstand, the room's lighting turned on, as he looked at the hybrid, who was painfully writhing, releasing pants and whimpers, crying, due to a nightmare, possible.

V sighed, before shaking the boy, 'Hey, wake up!'

But to no avail, and so, he did what seemed the best option, he pulled the hybrid close and his hands made their way to caress the bunny ears, and almost within seconds, the hybrid began to purr in sleep, which made V let out a smirk.

Guess, he found one of the weak spots.

Checking the time, he saw it was 6 AM, and sure enough, he had a meeting at 9, three hours to go.

V stood up, walked over to his walk-in wardrobe, and began to check clothes for the day. Once he got them settled, he went to the washroom, to freshen up.

Meanwhile, the hybrid rubbed his eyes before blinking them open, and slowly sat up. It took him a few minutes before he looked around and gasped, tears filling his eyes, as he realized he was in a new place, and as he was about to stand up, he noticed his clothes had been changed.

The bunny sucked in a deep breath, tears spilling out, as he pressed his knees against his chest, sobbing softly, his big bunny ears covering his face, his hands covered in the hoodie paws, and his tail flattened.

This case didn't last long, for the washroom's door opened, and out stepped a top-half naked V, water dripping down his hair, over his abs. He wore a navy blue pair of trousers. However, as soon as he saw the hybrid peeking at him from beneath the bunny's ears, he smirked, walking over to the bunny, but the hybrid only panicked.

'N-no, p-please don't kill K-Koo!'-he released a scream as he was pulled by the man in front of him.

V's hands automatically made their way to caress the boy's ears, to which the bunny purred, and soon enough, his ears stood up, relaxing at the back of his head, as he sniffed and looked up at V, the starry doe eyes, still moist and glistening with unshed tears, as he wiped them off with his hoodie paws, and whined when V removed his hand over his ears.

'What's your name, again, bunny boy?'- V asked, bending to face the little one, while the bunny gulped, being face to face with an intimidating man.

'J-jungkook...what's yours hyung? You're elder than me, right? Should I call you Hyung? Can I--?'- asked excitedly, as his ears stood up.

'Whoa, look Jungkook, calm down, I don't like people asking a lot of questions.'

Jungkook visibly frowned, his ears flattening at the top of his head, as he jutted his lower lip, which made V unconsciously rub his finger over the boy's lower lip.

Jungkook looked up once again, his pupils wide, and shiny,

'What's your name?'

'Kim Taehyung...'- V whispered, in a trance, not realizing he just shared his personal, private thing, his real name.

'Can I call you, Taetae? Your name's toooooo long for me!'

'Something is longer, Kookoo~'

Jungkook turned red at the nickname but frowned, his ears standing up in curiosity,

'What's longer? Is it someone else's name?'- he asked, innocently blinking.

V looked at him in shock and surprise, but it soon changed into a smirk, as he moved his face closer, and pushed the boy back on the bed, hovering over him.

Jungkook gasped at the closeness, but nevertheless, fiddling his fingers, he looked at V, tilting his head, and blinking softly.

V rubbed his finger over the hybrid cheek, before asking, 'Are you a hybrid? For real?'

Jungkook nodded, his eyes once again filling with tears, as he bit his lower lip, looking away, his ears covering his face almost immediately.

'Hey, what happened, KooKoo?' -V asked, in a deep voice, showing both dominance and softness at the same time.

'Y-you are also d-disgusted by m-me?'- Jungkook looked up with his big doe eyes, spilling handfuls of tears at once.

Now, one thing you're supposed to know, V hates it when people cry, but right now, seeing the hybrid crying this much, V doesn't feel hatred, rather...he feels like he's supposed to wipe them off and make the hybrid happy. Why? He's confused with himself.

'I'm not disgusted by you, who said that? You're cute, by the way.'

'R-really?- Jungkook asked, sniffing softly, wiping his eyes with his hoodie paws.

V stared at him for a while before nodding and backing off, he sat by the corner of the bed, as Jungkook scrambled up and sat too, with both his feet below his bum, like a prayer position, his ears standing up straight, and his tail wriggling.

'Y-you're not gonna h-hurt Koo?'- he asked, tentatively, while V shook his head, and tilted his head towards the bunny, cupping his face with his one hand,

'You're going to be with me, bunny~'


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