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The next morning dawned bright and clear. Too bright in fact, especially when according to the weather report, it was supposed to be raining. 

It was V who woke first, all due to the fact that some shitty personality had opened the window in his room. Groaning, he realized that shitty personality was he himself, for he was the one who had opened the window and removed the blinds just because the bunny wanted to take a look at the moon. 

Oh well. 

Wait, the bunny boy?

V felt heavy as he was about to stretch his limbs and so, looking down, there was the bunny boy, lying completely on him, covered in the comforter, no wonder V felt so warm during the night. 

He slowly removed the boy from on top of himself and stood up, stretching his arms. Picking up his phone from the nightstand, he checked it for any sort of reminder. Hmm. A meeting in the afternoon, and one just in the morning, introducing Soobin to the team he chose yesterday. 

He sighed, checking the time, there was still one hour left. 

He kept the phone back, and opened the drawer, taking out his pack of cigarettes, and lighter. He lit up the cancer stick and popped it in between his lips, taking a deep drag, and exhaling it as he walked over to the balcony in his room itself. 

Yes, there was a small yet big enough balcony, where two people could easily sit, but he rarely came here. However, right now, it seemed silent and peaceful enough, and surely he could take swigs of a cigarette without any issues. 

Glancing all over the back garden, he checked his security and smirked, as always, all of them were in their places. Of course, if they preferred to live, his guards ought to be perfect. 

He turned around. 

'UgH!' -he groaned, seeing the bunny boy standing in front of him, eyes closed, holding the comforter all around him, his ears droopy. 

Jungkook rubbed one of his eyes, taking steps towards V, and removing the cigarette from his lips. 

'This is bad for health, Taetae.'- he said, in a small voice, still sleepy, and threw the cigarette stub in the nearby bin, pushing V onto the armchair kept near the balcony glass, and sat down himself on the mafia's lap. 

Meanwhile, for V, he was completely numb. Eyes wide, lips parted, he couldn't be more shocked. 

First, he was nearly given a jump scare by a mere BUNNY-BOY! Second, his cigarette was literally thrown in front of him! Third, the bunny boy was LITERALLY settled ON HIS LAP! 



He looked down, to see Jungkook looking straight up at him, with his chin on his chest, doe-eyes wide, a pink hue spread over his cheeks, and his bottom lip jutted out. 

V cursed silently. 



'U-uh, am I going to...stay here o-or will I have to go and live with B-binnie?' 

'Huh? Who said that Jungkook?' 

Jungkook pouted and backed off, and crossing his arms over his chest, he squinted looking straight at V. 

'You are calling me Jungkook?!'

'Isn't that your name?' 


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