"But who would do that? I know witches aren't particularly fond of vampires but the human race and the Earth need them to live peacefully. Without vampires, the world would overpopulate itself and that would mean there wouldn't be enough resources and food for everyone." Violet said confused.

"You know that and I know that. In fact, a few other smarter ones plus the rest of the Fae species also know that but unfortunately, witches think that anything they deem an abomination or unnatural in their mind is not meant to be." Athena explained.

"But if it wasn't meant to be then Mother Nature wouldn't ALLOW it to be." Violet pointed out making Athena chuckle a little.

"Yes, young one I know. Witches think themselves all high and mighty. They think they are on the same level as Mother Nature because she gave them a little sliver of power. But that is why Mother Nature created the Fae species. Your job in the world is to make sure there is always balance, to protect those who need protection, and to make sure that the world doesn't crumble. There are very few Faes out there but every single one of you has a job. Your job is to protect the supernatural species, which is why you haven't heard of a Fae becoming involved in the supernatural world because you are the first and only one meant to be involved." Athena said making sure that the young girl was taking in every bit of information that she said as it was imperative to her life.

"Who was the witch that was powerful enough to fight me in the spell?" Violet questioned once she processed everything Athena said.

"Her name is Esther Mikaelson. She is known as The Original WItch. She cast the spell that created vampires 1000 years ago but ever since then she has regretted her decision and wishes to make them extinct." Athen told her.

"But even if she was that powerful it still wouldn't be enough to fight me that much on the spell, meaning she was channeling someone," Violet said realizing what happened.

"You are correct, in fact, she was channeling multiple people," Athen confirmed.

"But who would help her with a spell like that? Against a member of the Fae species, especially knowing what we are capable of when we are of full power after our 18th birthday." Violet asked wanting to know what members of The Otherside she would have to watch out for in the future.

"Ayana Bennett and Emily Bennett let her channel them. Violet, you must realize that while most witches of the Bennett bloodline are powerful and amazing witches like your friend Bonnie will be there are still some of them that aren't born with a lot of power because Mother Nature senses darkness inside them. So she takes away part of their power knowing that if they had strong magic then they would use it to harm the world and she will save that power until she senses a better Bennett to place it in." Athena said waving her hand and making a pitcher of iced tea and 2 cups appear on the table in between them then pouring them each a cup.

"But won't that make them vengeful? Knowing that all of their bloodlines are powerful except for them?" Violet asked after accepting the cup of iced tea and saying a 'thank you'.

"Indeed it does. They will usually gravitate towards more powerful witches like Esther and help them so that they can achieve some things because while they themselves aren't as powerful as their bloodline..." Athena was saying this before Violet finally got what she was getting to.

"Their blood still is a powerful component," Violet said wide-eyed.

"Yes, it is. Blood for witches is a powerful ingredient to use for spells. Sometimes it can make sure that nobody but their bloodline can cast the counter spell and the Bennett bloodline goes back to the beginning of witches. Their witches that are connected with our Fae species work together. While you were born to protect the supernatural species they still had to make some threats dormant so that you could take care of them once you were of age and had the power to do so. There are many other parts of the supernatural world that you still have to learn but I won't be telling you about those right now. All you have to know for now is what I already told you." Athena said wisely but vaguely.

"Athena... how long have I been unconscious?" Violet asked worried about the answer.

"Do not fret young Star, outside your body, it has only been 4 hours since you fell unconscious. Now I must be going and you must rest. It isn't just your body that needs to regenerate from losing so much energy from the spell, your mind also needs to rest." Athena said as a pillow and blanket appeared next to Violet so she could rest.

Once Athena had disappeared Violet laid down and covered herself with the blanket and finally let the exhaustion take over her body and let her fall into a deep sleep.

~End of Violet's Mind Vision~

~Back With Stefan and Damon Where We Left Them~

"Wait a second. If Katherine is still out there then what's stopping her from coming back and hurting Violet?" Damon asked his bother as his mind started thinking of all the possible ways that Katherine might be able to hurt Violet to get to them.

"You think she would do that? We haven't seen the woman in 150 years what makes you think she would come back for us?" Stefan questioned getting worried.

"Who knows how her manipulative mind works? We'll talk with Pearl once she's recovered from the tomb. Until then I am gonna go to sleep because it is now 4 a.m. and we drank all of your liquor already." the older Salvatore brother pointed out before taking his leave and heading back to his room.

"Make sure to let me know when she wakes up," Damon said as he left the room making sure to not close the door because that's what families do.

Stefan sighed knowing that Damon didn't close his door on purpose just to annoy him. So he got up and closed the door before turning off the light, plugging in his and Violet's phones then he got into bed next to Violet making sure that he didn't accidentally take any of the blankets off of her.

Once he was satisfied knowing that she was fully tucked in and warm he gave her a kiss on the forehead and whispered "I love you" before laying back down and falling asleep next to her peacefully.

*Happy New Year's Eve* 

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