Chapter 36

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The night was not supposed to end like this. I'm angry. I'm angry because Kennedy decided to fight the man who wants her dead by herself while intoxicated.

She held her ground and I was making my way to her but men kept coming towards me. Of course I shot them but it happened so fast. One of the men shot her and Alex was choking her.

Blood started pouring out of her. So I did what I though was best I shot Alex seven times and took my Kenny.

But I made a mistake, I didn't aim for his head. And because I didn't aim for his head that man is still breathing. I've been at the hospital for an hour. She passed out in the car and for the first time in years I'm scared.

She was bleeding from her private area and I know that can't be good. All the nurses and doctors passing by me only makes me want to kill each and everyone of them but I'm trying to have patience.

The entrance to the private waiting room bursts open and in walks Elora, Trey, Kendra, Tony, and Jennifer.

Elora has tears in her eyes as she approaches me, but I don't want her to approach me. I don't want her here, I don't want any of them here because all of them are crying and it's pissing me off.

"Christian, is there anything you want me to do. I..I can get you something to drink if you'd like." Elora says

I don't look at her, instead I close my eyes and try to take deep breathes in efforts to calm the beast that is clawing to come alive again.

It's true that I've become soft since I got married, but I didn't care because me being a monster scared was only because I needed to be feared.

A gentle hand reaches and touches but i quickly pull my hand away, "don't touch me" I say with my tone harsher than I intend.

"Elora give him some space" Kendra suggests

Finally a doctor bursts through the operating room. The sight of her makes me sick. She's completely covered in blood... my kenny's blood.

"Mr. Nini I have good and bad news, the good news is Mrs. Nini will be fine. The bullet missed her kidney and she does have a mild concussion. The bad news is that her unborn children did not make it."

My body goes stiff, "I'm sorry what?"

"She was about eight weeks pregnant with twins, by the time she arrived the miscarriage already took place. I'm so sorry Mr. Nini. In a few minutes she'll be placed in a room and you'll be able to see her then." The doctor explained

I think she continued talking but I couldn't hear her. It was as if everything was happening in slow motion and the world was spinning too fast. I need air, I needed space.

I walked out of the waiting room, and exited the hospital. I walked to the car and opened the glove compartment to get my pack of cigarettes.

I stopped smoking for her, but right now I desperately need one. I lit the cigarette and took a long draw.

The burning of the smoke in helps me control the beast inside me. Just as I look up Trey I walking towards me.

I thought he was going to give me a lecture about how I said I wasn't going to smoke again but he doesn't instead he stands next to me in silence for a little.

"Lemme get one of those cigarettes."

I give him one along with the lighter.

If I knew she was pregnant I'd kill this operation and move her far away. If she knew she was pregnant she would've never drank and I know she'd never fight him, but we didn't know.

For the first time since the death of my mother I feel completely empty. I feel broken. We were going to be parents to twins. She was going to be the best mom and I was going to be an awesome father.

Tears formulate in my eyes and for the first time since I was a child I start crying.

"What do you want me to do?" Trey asks

I pull myself together and stand tall, "call the Irish and the Germans. Get everyone over here. I'm done playing games. I tried to do this the nice way, but I want blood. Kill his men, burn his money, kill the people he cares about if there are any. I want a blood bath, but keep him alive. I want my revenge and Kenny deserved her revenge as well."

He outs the cigarette, "you got it boss"

A slight smirk appears on my face because the only time Trey calls me boss is when he's gonna take part in a massacre.

My phone rings, I look at the phone and see Zayden's name. "Is it done?"

"Yea the place is restored back to normal. All cops have mined their business. How's Kennedy?" He asks

I want to tell her she'll be fine which technically isn't a lie. Physically she will be okay, but I don't know how she's going to react to the knowledge of her losing our children.

Instead of lying I tell Zayden the whole truth and repeat the words I told Trey to him. For a minute there was silence, "I got a few friends in Russia that would love to participate in this. I'll give them a call and they should be here in about a day or two. You have my word. All of them are dead men walking."

It's been about six hours since Kenny woke up. I told the doctors that I would tell her what happened with the twins but everyone else was making her laugh and she seems to be in good spirits.

Now we are by ourselves and I'm keeping my distance because I don't want to tell her what happened. It's my job to protect her and I failed tonight. I failed at my job.

I can feel her eyes staring at me and while I answer Trey and Zayden's texts.

"Christian, why won't you look at me?" She asks

Her voice pricks my heart. I fight with all my might not to shed a tear but I can't help it. More and more tears stream down my face.

Finally I look at her, and although she's a bit bruised she's still beautiful. What I want to do is leave and send her to Greece and finish this war myself, but that wouldn't be fair to her.

"Bella I'm so sorry. I'm sorry I wasn't there for you and... and you almost died. I failed you and I failed our unborn children." I say with a shaky voice.

Her body stiffens and her eyes widen, "when your surgery was done the doctor told me that you had a miscarriage with twins and if I protected you better if I didn't leave you at the tattoo shop and stayed with you instead of trying to finish the hotel deal this would have never happened."

One single tear falls down Kenny's cheek. I brace myself for her to yell at me but she doesn't.

"It's not your fault. We didn't know." She says with a chilling tone.

Her eyes are dark and deadly. "Tell me what you want me to do. I'm already making moves to make sure all his men die, but I want you to have your revenge."

She takes a deep breath, "take me to New York"

I furrow my eye brows, "baby you just got out of surgery."

"You asked me what I want you to do. I want you to take me to New York. I'm fine. But if I stay here I'm going to go insane. He took our children away from us, and now he's going to die."

A smile appears on my face. All night I've been trying to keep my beast inside but now it's too late.

Now I thirst for blood. I want the streets to be filled with Alex and his minions blood, and one thing about me.. I always get what I want.

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