Chapter 26

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"You know..... you remind me of your mother." The voice caused chills to run down my back. My stomach turned immediately.

I turned around to face Alex; a smile appeared on his face, "believe it or not Kennedy I never hated you." He walked closer to me, backing me in a corner. "My problem with you is much deeper. For starters you were born a girl and I wanted a boy, then your mother begged for me not to send you away like I did your sisters. In the end she ended up loving you more than she ever cared for me." He pulled out a blade and glided gently on the side of my face.

"I only killed her to make an example out of her. I wanted you to know that of you did not do what I wanted you to do there would be consequences." He added more pressure to the blade but not enough for me to start bleeding.

He leaned so close to me our lips almost touched, but I tried to back away further into the corner and I pursed my lips. "Then your mother had to go and give you all of her inheritance, but that still wasn't the problem." He looked at me deep in my eyes, "the problem was I fell in love with my daughter, but I knew that she would never love me that way. So when I realized Christian fell in love with you hatred rose in me. That's why I want you dead Kennedy, because if I can't have you no other man every will. Here's another promise I'll make to you Kennedy.... Before I kill your I'll have my way with you even if it means by force!"

Before my brain could fully process what just came out of his mouth, he grabbed me by my neck and slammed his lips on me aggressively, trying to force his tongue in my mouth.

Bile spewed out of my mouth and onto him. He backed away disgusted and I took that opportunity to run out of the bathroom. I wanted to crawl out of my skin. I didn't even look for Christian or anyone else.

I raced out of the ballroom and into the busy streets of New York and ran. I don't know how long it was before I stopped a cab. When the cab driver asked where to I pulled out my gun that was in my leg holster and pointed it at his head, "any state outside of New York and DRIVE FAST!!"

He did as he was told. During the drive all I could hear was Alexander's words swirling in my head. I fell in love with my daughter. I summoned the driver to pull over, I threw up once again at the thought. If I can't have you no other man will.

Before I knew it we entered into the state Connecticut. He dropped me off at some motel. I didn't have cash so I gave him my diamond bracelet as payment.

Entering the motel I felt so disgusted, I felt vile. It would have preferred of he told me that he hated me. I would rather him tell I was the worst thing God ever created on this planet, shoot I'd even rather him beat me up than tell me when he confessed.

I walked up to the front desk, and gave the lady another one of my diamond bracelets. "This is a 40 carat diamond bracelet. I'll give it to you if you agree to keep my location to yourself."

The woman's eyes widened and she nodded her head, immediately agreeing to my terms. "So you have any clothes I could wear." I asked as she handed me the key to my room.

"I should." She replied. She walked to the back and handed me a white t-shirt and some sweat pants. I prayed that she considered my size so I would not have to tell her they did not fit bc they were too small.

"Also do you have shoes?" She stared at me as of she was trying to see if I was in any danger but my face remained blank.

"What size honey? She asked sympathetically

I internally groaned. I hated when people did that. "Nine please." I answered

She retrieved a pair of surprisingly new Nike sneakers with socks.

"I get girls like you all the time. They come in scared, traumatized from where ever." She handed me back my bracelet. "I'm not doing to let you pay me. You can stay here as long as you would like and your location is safe with me."

Tears flooded my eyes. "Thank you....."

"Margaret..... my name is Margaret." She said

"I'm Kennedy."

She smiled at me. "Don't worry no one will bother you here darling. Breakfast starts at 7 and ends at 10"

"Thank you Margaret, I really appreciate you." I said right before walking away.

I looked down at my phone that had been going off ever since I left. Everyone was calling me, but I couldn't deal with any of them right now, so I turned off my phone.

After taking care of my hygiene I put on the clothes Margaret gave me and surprisingly they fit perfectly. They weren't too small or too big.

I looked up at the ceiling, going over everything that took place tonight. I took my gun off of the nightstand and stared at it.

The truth was...... I'd rather die than let Alex rape me.

I thought fearing my father was in the past. I'd moved past being the intimidating child who cowered, yet here I was in a different state running.

——————————————————————————— I wasn't sure when I fell asleep, but I knew that when I awoke it was daylight. I turned and looked at the clock on the night stand. It was 9:00 am, and I was in desperate need of food.

I went downstairs into the cafe'. I ordered a bacon omelette and pancakes, despite everything going on I knew starving myself wouldn't do me any good.

Once finished, I walked up the stairs to my room. I opened the door... I was only one step in when someone spoke "Next time you wanna take a vacation just tell me."  I jumped. I turned to my left to see none other than Christian leaning against the wall with a pistol in his right hand and a cigarette in his left.

I decided to stay quiet, it wouldn't really matter what I told him he'd still end up pissed. If I told him the truth which I myself wasn't ready to accept he'd go on a manhunt. If I told him a lie he'd go on a rant.

He eyes were red, he looked like a wild beast ready to strike at anything. He took a long draw from his cigarette and puffed it out to the side as he always did. "So funny story... this man goes to a fancy function with his wife. Their enemy is there so he wants to make sure she is safe at all times. His wife goes to the bathroom. He thinks all is well until she bolts out of the ballroom and onto the busy streets. He tried to run after her but she's lost in the crowd. He spends all night looking for her just for her to be in a cheap motel in another state." He took another draw from his cigarette and took a step towards me.

"What should he do about that Kennedy? Personally I think he has a right to know why she did that don't you?" He asked. He voice sounded calm, cool, and collected, but his eye told an entirely different story.

Just the thought of uttering what Alex said to me made me feel sick. "I... I think she had a good reason."

"Good reason?" He said through gritted teeth. "I have been up all night searching for you. I damn near had to kill the driver who brought you here before he talked. Kennedy start talking!!!"

"I'm not a child Christian! I don't have to do what you....."

"Kennedy darling," he interrupted "careful with your tone. I'm not in the mood to hear you yell."

"Well that's funny coming from you when YOU just yelled at me like I was your child. Well I'm Not and..."

"Kennedy love, this is your last warning." He outed his cigarette on the floor, then immediately lit another one. "I'm trying to keep calm, so for your sake don't raise your voice at me."

The problem was that I wasn't ready to tell him what took place, but I knew I'd have to tell him. I needed to tell someone.

"Alex..." before I could finish my sentence shots were fired into the room.

Arranged to be His (#1 book in the Brotherhood series)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt