Chapter 21

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I'm going to be honest, I've seen a lot of things in my lifetime especially being born and raised in a mafia, but what took place two weeks ago blew my mind.

Everything was in a pause, so many people had gotten injured and needed time to regain strength. Trey had gotten shot in the heart, he flat lined three times that day. Thankfully he made it through and has made great progress.

Other than Kenny I don't really see anyone. I've been sitting in my office reviewing the plan we made.

There was a knock on the door, Veronica and Elora walked in. Without looking up I said "what do you want."

Veronica spoke first, "Elora has an idea."

I scoffed, "the last idea she had cost me one million dollars in damage repairs."

"Why are we talking about the past Christian? It's time to focus on the future. Anyway, Alex has a ball coming up next week and then a charity event in October. Normally they take place in New York, but this year they moved it to Miami." Elora explained

That caught my attention. It was concerning because for starters we were weak, this was the perfect time for them to strike. "Tell me more."

"I did my research but I have to disagree..... I don't think it's a good time to go anywhere. I think we should back off until we get strengthened." Veronica stated

"Veronia.... My mafia is the largest in the world. We have over 50,000 members world wide. The only reason we are down is because the main people which reside in Miami are injured." I stood up from my desk. "BUT if I want want to go to the damn gala I'm going to go. Who are YOU to tell me you don't think it's a good idea. You're not my wife!"

She seemed taken back, but anger showed in her face. "Of course I am not your wife, but I'd be a better one at least I would betray the mafia."

Before I could speak Elora smacked her in the face, "watch your damn tone, and watch what you say before I cut your tongue out. And you know I will do it. Furthermore what the HELL is your problem with Kennedy?" She asked

"My problem is that Christian has turned into a softy for some heffalump!!" She yelled

I pulled out my gun and aimed it at her. Slowly I walked towards her. I took a deep breath to try and calm myself, I didn't want to shoot her before I was ready. "Veronica.... How much did he pay you?"

"W..what are you talking about?" She asked as her voice shook.

"I'm many things Veronica, but stupid is not one. I've thought about it and watched your behavior from a far. You've developed a hatred for my wife, so either you tell me your reason, or I'll come up with my own assumptions, and believe me when I say you most definitely won't like the outcome." I said with my tone harsh.

For a second she looked scared but it changed to defeat. "I didn't betray you out I swear, but I believe what Sal said about her betraying you. I mean come on. Look at all the proof he provided."

I cocked the gun and sighed, "honestly you should've said you betrayed me." I pulled the trigger. Blood splattered everywhere.

"DAMN IT CHRISTIAN!! Really on my new dress?!?" Shouted Elora.

"I never liked her anyway." I stated

Elora walked over to me stepping over Veronica's now dead corpse. "Have you seen him today?"

I didn't have to ask who she was talking about. I knew she was talking about Trey. I nodded, "I have. He's doing great. You know Trey, he's already out and running and boxing, which is bad for him but of course he doesn't care what injury he has, he's always going to push himself to be better."

"That's the problem Christian. He's doing too much, he needs to relax and maybe you could talk to him for me. I would do it but.... I feel like we lost our touch since the breakup. When he flatlined three times it felt as if my whole world had died three times. Since he woke up I haven't really spoken to him. I don't know I just can't bring myself to do it." She said

"No I'm not going to do it, you're gonna talk to him. Not me. He's your partner. He still cared for you so he'll listen to you." I looked down at her small bump. I smiled. "You're starting to show."

She sighed, "yea, a little and I'll talk to him"

We both walked out of the office. "Marsha!!"

"Yes sir!" She replied

"There's been an accident in my office. Please take care of that for me." I asked. She nodded in response.

I walked into my bedroom and saw Kennedy on the balcony. It's where I'd often find her nowadays. "Kenny?"

She practically jumped off of the chair. "Sorry I didn't hear you. When did you get in here?"

"Just now. I want you to change into something nice. I want to take you somewhere."

Before she could respond I walked towards the bathroom to take a shower. I wasn't used to having a wife at all. Even though we'd been married for seven months it still hasn't registered that I am in fact married.

During the past two weeks I thought a lot about her, and how I want to do right by her. More importantly how I want to treat her. I know the way how her father treated her mother was terrible, and the way my father treated my mother was awful. I don't want to be like them, I want to be better than them in all my ways.

I got out of the shower, and took care of my hygiene. I needed a break from all of this drama and blood shed. It was getting to me and if I wasn't care I'd do something stupid.

I dressed in my usual bald slacks and black dress shirt. "Kenny you ready?" I called out

Out came Kennedy from her closet wearing a short form fitted burnt orange skirt with a split at the side, a white tops with a white blazer as an accessory. It honestly made me wanna kiss her, but I've been moving in her time.

^^her outfit

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

^^her outfit

"Yea... where are we going?" She asked

"Now it would be a surprise if I told you, now would it?" I said playfully. "Be a good girl and just go with the flow." Hopefully all went well tonight, I was tired of the high and lows in our relationship, I wanted something so much more than just a spouse. I wanted a connection, a soulmate.

Little did I know she'd been my soulmate from day one.

Arranged to be His (#1 book in the Brotherhood series)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ