Chapter 12

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We've been in Bora Bora for a week. I came here to detox my mind and soul before I had to deal with all that I knew was coming. My phone ran constantly and I was ignoring every single phone call.

We're leaving tomorrow and yet after our walk I've barely spoken to Kenny. Not because I don't want to but she's been busy with Elora and everyone else.

I pulled out my phone and called Jaxon. "My man where have you been. I've been calling you nonstop. It's getting bad on the streets."

I began rubbing my temples, I didn't have time to clean up a mess I didn't make and I definitely didn't have to to deal with a war I didn't start. "Update me."

"Alexander and his family went underground. Your dad is acting like he's still in charge, the annual ball is in a week, and finally your shipment of gun and drugs worth twenty million dollars was set on fire at about three this morning."

My whole entire body shook with anger, "what the hell did you just say?" I said trying my best not to explode on Jaxon.

"What they didn't take they blew up, and what they didn't blow up they set on fire."

"I'll be on a flight in an hour, I'll be at the warehouse by 10pm. Gather everyone" with that I hung up the phone.

Just in time the front door opened and everyone walked in laughing. "What happened?" Asked Trey.

I explained everything, Tony and Trey already know about the situation with Alexander but the loss of twenty million was enough to make everyone upset in the room. What surprised me was Kennedy was actually up. She tried her best to mask her expression but I could see the steam radiating off of her.

"We're leaving within the hour."

No one argued. Once we landed I doubt I was think straight. I was out for blood. I hadn't killed anyone in about a week and I was ready to hear people begging for their lives again. We all went to the warehouse, and as I walked by the new recruits and others the nodded their heads in respect not only for me, but for my woman.

I held a meeting in the conference room with the important people. "Anne" I called. She was in charge of intel and technology. "I need to find Frank Blanc. He's the French mafia leader Alfi Dubois's assistant."

Without hesitation she started typing. "Someone get me Veronica!" A few minutes later she came running with an iPad in her hand.

"I found him. Right now he's at Swimmers enjoying himself with some women." She put the camera footage on the screen. There were three woman of different races grinding and stripping for him. "He'll be there till four tomorrow morning... we'll at least that's what his reservation says."

"Good, that means we'll get him tonight." Everyone out except for Elora, Trey, Tony, and Kennedy.

Once everyone left Tony spoke. "I have an idea but you won't like it." I remained silent. "I say let ken go in there and try to seduce him."

Without even thinking I pulled out my gun and shot past him. Trey bursted out laughing, "nigga that's the most dumb thing you could've said. That man over there is stressed, I thought the same thing but I rather your head be on a platter than mine."

I looked at Kennedy who has been eerily quiet since I told her what was going on in Bora Bora. "I can do it." She said shocking everyone in the room.

"No you won't do a damn thing. I'll get a newbie to do it." I retorted.

"But I can do it. It's clear he likes thicker women. All this women were curvy and I'm curvy so let me do it." She sounded almost annoyed that I wouldn't let her.

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