As Joy rang everything up the total came to a little below $500. I whistle as I take out my card.

Well at least now my money will stop burning a hole in my pocket, if only a little.

As Joy puts everything into bags little girl runs over to me and starts jumping on me. I smile as I pick her up, that's gonna be one of the first things I train her not to do. She licks my face and I laugh, before hearing a meow emit from the cat carrier behind the counter. Little girl stops licking my face as her head twists back, trying to find the source of the noise.

I just grin and set her down on the counter as Joy finishes putting everything into bags. She turns to look at me and she smiles again, "So, what are you going to name her?" She asks, looking at little girl.

I hum to myself as I think it over, but eventually I smile and look down at her and say, "I'll name her Misty."

Joy looks delighted at this and pets Misty's head. "Hi Misty! Your such a pretty girl." Misty licks her hand and turns back to me. Her misty green eyes shine with what I can assume is happiness. However another meow interups us.

I laugh and Joy picks up the cat carrier to put it on the counter next to Misty. I look inside and Gerald's sage eyes look back at me.

Right. I was gonna give him another name. I ponder this for a while before saying aloud, "Geralt." Joy looks at me confused. "His new name is going to be Geralt." I state it this time. So instead of saying the G like a J, it's just a G now.

Joy smiles at me and nods. "That's a good name. Anyhow, all your stuff is ready to go, and I'll take Misty in the back for a bit to give her the shots before she's ready to leave. I nod and give Misty one last pat on the head before Joy takes her into the backroom again.

It doesn't take long before they both reappear and Joy gives Misty back to me.

I dig into one of the bags and pull out her leash and collar putting her new collar on her and attaching the leash. I'm about to grab the stuff when it hits me how much of it I have. And I walked here. By myseld. Into the middle of town.

Aiden you idiot, I scold myself.

"Umm, excuse me, but do you by any chance have a big bag I can borrow....or possibly a car?" I ask, embarrassed.

Joy just laughs and says, "Don't worry, you can borrow my truck for a bit. Just make sure you bring it back." I nod greatful and grab everything except for Misty and Geralt. "I'll be back you two, so just stay put for now." I say, as I follow Joy into the back of the store again, but this time we go out through a door on the right.

As we get into the parking lot we stop at a small red truck and Joy opens the door to the cab. I unload everything into it, making sure not to spill anything before closing the door. I head back inside quickly and pick up Misty and grab Geralt's carrier. Walking back to the truck I open the passenger seat and put Geralt down before closing the door and walking back over to the driver side. I open the door but stop as I turn and thank Joy, apologizing for all the trouble. However she just laughs it off and I tell her I'll be back soon.

With that I close the door and start the truck with Misty sitting on my lap. We pull out of the parking lot and onto the road as I drive home.

When we get there I pull into the small empty parking spot and park the truck.

I open the door and put Misty on the seat while I quickly grab everything in the truck again and take them inside. I just leave them in the living room as I rush back outside to get the other two.

Bringing them inside I put Geralt's cage onto the couch in the living room and I try to figure out what to do with Misty when I curse at myself.

You dumbass, you forgot to get a kennel.

I shake my head as I unclip Misty's leash, letting her run free. Most likely a bad idea but I'll deal with it when I get back. I head to the door say over my shoulder, "You two be good." Before locking the door and heading back to the truck. Putting it into drive I head back into town.

When I got there I quickly checked the time before parking tuning the it off.

12:30pm, not too bad, I think to myself.

Walking back in through the back entrance I see Joy and I wave to her when she sees me.

"Did you get everything back safely?" She asks and I nod.

"Yeah, but I completely spaced getting Misty a kennel, and now that I'm thinking about it, I should probably get Geralt a cat tower so he doesn't climb on everything."

Joy laughs and says, "Do you need to borrow my truck again?"

I shake my head this time, "No, I can carry those back myself, I just needed the truck for a bit because there was so much stuff."

Joy shakes her head at me and smiles. "Well I'll be at the counter when your ready."

I smile again and nod as I turn around to look for the kennels. I eventually find them and I pick out a small metal one for Misty before getting a medium sized cat tower for Geralt. I take them back to the counter and pay for them and I finally head to the door. Joy follows me and stops me as I'm about to leave.

"Wait!" She exclaims. I turn to look at her and raise a brow. She fidgets with her fingers before looking up at me. "Can I know your name please? I-I would like it i-if we could be friends."

I frown,"How old are you?" I ask, cause the last thing I needed was to get arrested with two new pets.

"I'm 19, almost about to turn 20." She responds and I smile. A little over four years younger than me, but it couldn't hurt to have a friend. I put the kennel down so I have one free hand and I extend it to her.

"Hello, my name's Aiden. What's yours?"

She lights up as she takes my hand and shakes it, almost violently. "Hi Aiden! My name is Lily!"

"Hi Lily, I have to go now but maybe I'll see you around sometime? Here, we can exchange numbers if you'd like?"

She beams at this and takes my phone before imputing her contact info in. "Thanks so much! Ever since we moved here I haven't been able to make a friend yet! But now I got you, and Misty, and even Geralt! Well, sort of." She laughs and I laugh along with her.

"Well, I really have to go now, so I'll update you on the other two later, once I get them fully settled in." I open the door and pick up the kennel as she waves at me.

"Alright! Bye Aiden! I hope those two adjust well!" She says smiling.

"Bye Lily," I smile back as I walk out the door, the sound of the bell jingling behind me as I walk away.

Who knew? I smile to myself. I've made my first friend in over 6 years.


Okay, before you start, they are just friends, nothing more.

Now that that little skit is over we are gonna get back on track. Also three updates in one day? I feel proud.

Anyway, bye~

Word count: 2070

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