Chapter 1

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Ten years ago
"Mommy whats wrong?You've been doing this for almost an hour," my eyebrows wrinkled in worry.

"Doing what honey?" my mom put a fake cheery voice but I knew she was not okay.

"Zoning out and making this pained expression,"I answered.

"Oh my smart baby always caring about me and noticing the little things,"she said and picked me up so I that I sat on her lap.

"He is doing it again,"My mom's voice came out strained.I immediately knew she referred to my father's unusual behavior of coming home late drunk.

"Come on mommy you know he will stop,"I patted her wet cheeks with my tiny hands.My mother really loved my father.From the way they looked at each other it was just undisputed.

But everyday my father usually came back home really stinky.He usually smelled like spirit from the nurse's office.Mommy told me it was something called alcohol.Despite my father's drinking problem he had never showed my mother or me any form of violence.That made me not question his drunkenness.

Daddy worked as a body guard for one of America's Billionaire Rick McCartney. He earned alot which you could say we were somehow rich.At this tender age of eight I knew how to operate and load any type of gun.

"Daddy daddy I got an A in algebra!"I exclaimed and ran towards him immediately he stepped inside the house."Wonderful!"He replied with a smile that did not reach his eyes in the slightest bit.My mother gave me a sympathetic smile as she went to buy grocery living me alone with my father.

"Let's go upstairs honey I got a surprise for you,"He smiled at me.
"For me?For me?"I replied excitedly jumping up and down.I loved surprises.I followed him eagerly not knowing that surprise would haunt me for the rest of my life.

He immediately banged his bedroom door an locked it with his key.That was all it took before he took a beer bottle and swung it directly at me.It hit my head painfully.It was little pain since I swerved it.My heart raced this has to be my father's game.

"Daddy you hit me hard ow,"I said smiling not knowing he did that on purpose.The tall big man had a look of distress in his eyes as he charged towards me like an angry bull.He stepped on my tiny toes and forced me to lay down on the cold floor just near the bed.The back of my head hit the floor making a single tear escape.

"You are a fucking out come of my brother do you know that?Your whore of a mother lied me that you were my child.I was stupid to believe it.Now I know the truth and I won't tolerate your stupid blood in my house,"He roared his hand pressing against me neck restricting my breathing.

"Daddy stop choking me,"I whisper yelled.His grey eyes that were usually warm now held an emotion that was so hard to trace at my tender age.He tore the light trousers that was covering my dignity and put his hands on my private part.

Ms Hendrik said no one should touch me there yet him,my own father was doing it.He rubbed his big body against mine."Daddy stop,"I whimpered in pain as he pushed two fingers in me.I felt like he was going to tear me the pain was very uncomfortable.

The more I said please the more he found pleasure in my suffering.The more I pleaded the more he gave me slaps which wounded me.My cheeks hurt my private part hurt.Everything did and just as I saw him undo his trouser my hand caught a pistol that was under the bed.It was a Silver Ruger 1911 pistol.This meant it was semi automatic.The trigger had to be pulled twice before action was taken.

I pulled it the first time behind my body so that he could not see.I was not sure if he heard though.

The second  time I aimed for the head where my Biology teacher said the brain was.I aimed the brain because he wasn't thinking.That way the bullet could stimulate it to have some more thought.

I watched as scarlet red blood oozed out of him from the whole I made.I put my two fingers on his nose and I couldn't feel anything even a soft breath I could not.I stood my shaky legs up.They were cold since I only had my yellow panties which were covered in blood that was caused by Daddy forcing two fingers in my private part.

"Daddy,"I shook him and I called him multiple times but he didn't bulge.The silver pistol was still in my mind probably proud.The pain that existed between my legs made me sit down next to him I felt nothing.My mind was blank and I knew I had messed up big time.

"SIERRA LIGHTNING open this door," my mother voiced.This made me panic but I did as I was told.I crawled like a weakling to the door unable to stand as I continued to bleed.My hand steadily holding my weapon.

"My baby are you okay,"I expected to be the one being talked to but she had gone straight to her husband."Ohmygod what the fuck have you done to him he is he is he is dead," She whimpered charging towards me the same way my father had.

"You shot him you moron,"she gave me a slap and a kick with her high heels.That I deserved since death was not a good thing."You killed my fucking husband!!!"She screamed and threw me a lamp that went directly to my head."Are you fucking sick,"This time my head was spinning.

"I can not live without my husband, may you rot on the fucking mental asylum," and those are the last word I had from my mother before she grabbed the pistol from my hands and took her life away.

I sat and watched with a pained expression.The room smelled blood both mine and my parents.My eyes went blank and from there I knew nothing will ever be the same.Had I sat there and watch Daddy do all the things he had done to me.He would be alive and so would mommy.

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