Mila stared at the man in awe.  Even from a seated position, one could tell that he was very tall, maybe taller than Eric.  He wore a full well groomed beard that had streak of gray  and he had  so much hair... dread loc piled high on top of his head with a few strands like the texture of rope hung loosely down  his body.  Mila thought he was a sight to behold.  He invoked a presence that held one hypnotically  as if in a trance.  She could not take her eyes from him.

She had never seen anyone with that much dread loc before.  He was dressed in a simple button down white shirt, a watch that was probably the cost of an average American home and a very unique ring with the head of a lion adorned his left pinky finger.    He came across as regal and majestic.  He was charming, but at the same time it was clear that he was not someone to be messed with.  He exude power.

Eric  did not bother with introduction.  "Hungry? Order whatever you want." he told Mila.  Mila nodded no.  She felt sick wondering what  they wanted with her.  Eric could see the living fear in her eyes.  He couldn't blame her consindering their last encounter. 

 'I almost fucking killed her, thanks fuck for  Lloyd.'

Phil, Eric's friend and foot soldier sat a few feet away from them, but did not take his eyes off the table where  Eric, Mila and Linden were sitting.


"So how is school Mila?" Linden asked.  And she suddenly noticed the similarity  in  their voices. If she had her eyes closed , she would swear that Eric was talking to her.  

Mila looked at Eric then back at Linden.  "Are you keeping tabs on me?"

"Of course we are.  You are family Mila ... being Stephanie's mother." Linden answered.

"look  she is a beautiful little girl ... I just was not ready to be a mother without him being there for me." She said looking at Eric.  

"Totally understandable.  You are still so young.  Motherhood is a great responsibility and not for every woman." Linden added.

"I have done as you asked Eric.  I have not been back to the island and I have stayed clear of Sahita as you asked me to do." Mila said looking at Eric. 

"We know you have.  Did you hear what happened to Sahita?" Linden asked.

Mila looked at Linden.  She knew that was a warning question.  "My mother told me that  she went missing at sea.  I really dont care."

"How is Stephanie?" She asked.

Linden went into his breast pocket and pulled out a photograph.  He pushed it towards Mila.  "Stephanie is doing great.  She is a very bright little girl, four going on forty.  So you know, I have adopted her."   

She gazed at the picture. "She is beautiful! She has nothing for me.  She looks like him and his mother."

Eric and Linden sent a secret message between them, thinking that was an interesting statement coming from Mila.  It was obvious that she thought that Stephanie was her daughter.

"So what can you tell me about  your pregnancy with Stephanie?" Eric asked.   

 Mila looked at him with knitted brows, then over at Phil who was giving her the chills. "Him your body guard?"

"Something like that, look I promise he wont hurt you.  We are not here to hurt anyone. We just want answers." Eric reiterated.

"Where did you give birth? Who was the doctor?" Linden asked.

Consequences ( Book 3 in the Hijacked Of Innocence Series)Where stories live. Discover now