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Asia rubbed her belly with her left hand while her right was busy talking away on her iPad. She was busy ordering things for the baby. She didn't have to order too much as her family and friends had been extremely helpful in terms of that. She wasn't up for a gender revels or baby shower but her sister convinced her to at least put up a registry.

The front door opened and Isaiah walked in with a bag of takeout in one hand. Asia had been craving Chinese takeout so he went right out and grabbed all the dishes she wanted.

This week they'd been busy looking for a place for her to live. She knew it would be hard to move houses while pregnant but it would most definitely be easier than doing it with a newborn.

Since Jasmine worker in real estate, she'd been helping her to find a house. Asia had sold her old place and put most of her things in storage.

"Come eat mama." Isaiah said from the kitchen.

"You gonna help me up?" she questioned, Isaiah often forgets how pregnant she is.

He'd been the one to help her up, tie her shoe laces and things like that. Once she was comfortable at the dining table Isaiah set her plate in front of her.

"Any luck yet?" he asked before taking a seat beside her.

"I've not heard anything yet but hopefully Jas will find somewhere soon." she shrugged.

Isaiah told Asia there was no rush for her to move out. She was heavily pregnant and about to have a newborn soon. But Asia wanted her own home to bring her baby to. Her due date was only a month away so it was crunch time.


Isaiah and Asia had the same night routine, every single night, in order for her to feel safe. When she originally returned home from the hospital, she was unable to sleep so Isaiah asked her what he could do to make her feel safe.

He slept on his side of the bed while Asia slept in the other side. The alarm was always set, and they slept with the bedroom door locked. And Isaiah kept his gun in the dresser beside him.

"Stop fighting sleep." Isaiah said as he got into bed.

Asia was laying in her side with her pregnancy pillow around her. Her belly was gently resting against it as it was the only comfortable way for her to sleep.

"She won't stop moving." Asia mumbled, it was confirmed at her last appointment that she was in fact having a girl. She knew in her heart she was but was even more overjoyed when it was confirmed.

Isaiah rolled onto his side and gently rubbed her belly back and forth, they both felt the kicking and moving around come to a stop. A few months later Isaiah looked at Asia to see she was fast asleep. He closed his eyes and finally got some rest himself.


After a long walk around Asia was finally back at the house. She'd been trying regular walks to help her labour process. She was at Isaiah's since himself and his brother were at her new house moving furniture and boxes.

Jasmine had connections in the business so she managed to fast track the whole process.
She planned on making them dinner to come back to.
Asia had been at the house unpacking here and there while Isaiah was at work. So she knew he'd come back mad, he'd been reminding her not to be up on her feet for too long.

But sitting down and staring at the four walls was driving her crazy for sure. After court minutes she was done making dinner. She tried her best to wait but couldn't.

So she made herself a plate and sat at the table with her phone stood up playing big mouth on Netflix.
In fact she was too busy to notice that Isaiah had walked in with his brother behind him.

"You got some to tell me?" Isaiah asked as he took a seat.

"Hi Zion." she greeted while ignoring Isaiah.

"Wassup fatty, how you feeling?" he asked making her roll her eyes.

"Thanks for the compliment but I'm fine." she said before taking a mouthful of potatoes.

Zion knew they needed to speak so he took some food away with him and said his goodbyes. Isaiah was waiting for Asia to take notice of him.

"You been over to the house recently?" he asked her.

"Maybe." she mumbled while fiddling with her nails.

"I told you that you need to relax."

"I felt useless, I didn't lift anything heavy okay?" she huffed, Isaiah hadn't been letting her lift her finger around the house.

"Mhm." he nodded, not believing her. While Isaiah ate dinner, Asia went to get herself ready for bed. She was tired and ready for bed.


Asia was busy bouncing on her pregnancy ball. The baby was now facing down meats, preparing for delivery. But it was cussing her discomfort, from her stomach feeling tight to her back aching.

Isaiah entered the bedroom to see her bouncing up and down like a crazy person.

"How you feeling?" he chuckled at how over it she looked. 

"Tired." she mumbled, Isaiah helped her into bed to get comfortable.

Asia tossed and turned until she got comfortable. Isaiah spent the next twenty minutes getting himself ready for bed. He made sure to be quiet incase she'd fallen asleep. But by the time he walked back into the bedroom, the bed was empty.

He sighed and headed straight down the stairs and found her in the kitchen. Asia stood by the counter, eating some fruit from the platter Isaiah buys her weekly.

"Gimmie this before you start telling me you feel sick." Isaiah said before putting the platter back in the refrigerator.

Asia pouted as he dragged her back up to bed. She laid in her side with a pillow between her legs. If her legs were a little parted it helped relieve some pressure from her hips.

"You actually gonna sleep mama?" he mumbled tiredly.

"Yes." she assured despite not really feeling sleepy.

Isaiah kissed her cheek before closing his eyes to sleep. It wasn't long before he felt her shifting around, she pulled her shirt off leaving her in her sports bra.

Moving closer to her, Isaiah spooned her and rubbed her bump. She'd grown like crazy and was ready to pop already.

"She's gonna come out a baller or something." Isaiah said as he felt baby-girl basically rolling around.

"Just don't move your hand and she'll stop." Asia mumbled as she rested her hand on top of his. It wasn't long before the pair fell into a deep and much needed sleep.

If y'all really don't like Isaiah I might have to switch up the ending 😭

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