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It was now the beginning of the new year and the team had returned to work. Asia was sitting in the staff room with her friend, Cassidy. She'd recently transferred. She'd loved having her close friend working with her for the past few days.

Herself and Cassidy first became friends in college but she moved to London shortly after graduating, but they made sure to keep in touch.

"I need to get to the meeting, I'll see you later." Asia headed to the meeting where she was being assigned to a new case.

She headed to her office hoping to find Saint who was running late today. She opened the door to see him sitting at his desk with his head on the table.

"You okay?" she asked, making sure to close the door quietly.

"Mhm. We got a case?" he asked and she nodded.

Asia walked over and crouched down to his level, "You sure you're okay?" she asked, he looked exhausted.

"It's a migraine I'm used to them. It will go eventually." he assured, Asia got up and headed over to her desk and grabbed some tylenol from the top drawer. He gladly accepted and popped two with some gulps of water.


Hours later, Saint had been looking for Asia everywhere, the last place to look was the staff room where she rarely ever was. But there she sat with some lady he'd never seen before.

"You ready to go? Forensics came back." he said referring to their case.

"That was quick, yeah. Before we go Saint, this is my friend Cassidy. She just transferred here." Asia introduced.

"Nice to meet you." he said with a quick nod.

"You too. I'll leave you guys to it." Cassidy said before walking out.

"Your headache gone?" Asia asked before giving him a kiss on the cheek.

"Yeah come on." he said, he held the door open for her and they headed out.

Saint watched Asia as she walked to the car, the pants she was wearing, had her ass jiggling with each step. Asia turned around and laughed seeing how mesmerised he looked.

"Stop it we have a job to do." she said, nudging him slightly.

"I forgot that." he mumbled as he hopped in the car. Saint tried his best to ignore the sexual thoughts that took over his mind whenever he was around her.


Yet again Saint was looking for Asia, she wasn't in the office. This time he messaged hoping he'd get a quick response, he was starving. This evening was supposed to be spent at her house, having dinner together.

His phone pinged, Asia replied saying she was in the lobby. He headed down to the lobby seeing Asia talking with Cassidy again.

She quickly walked over to him, "Can we reschedule tonight? Cassidy wants to go for drinks?"

He cleared his throat not wanting to show his annoyance, "Um okay...I got another headache so I'm just gonna head home."

"You don't want to come? You sure?" she frowned, Asia hoped the two would get to know one another.

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