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The department gathered on the briefing room as there was a new case for today. Their lieutenant stood at the front of the room scribbling down on the whiteboard. Everyone was off on their own conversations, Saint and Asia were sitting in the back talking between themselves.

It was easy to say that Asia was his favourite person there, they were getting to know eachother better.

"You feel like going for a drink later?" Saint asked her, he'd been rehearsing that line all morning.

"Sure." she agreed which made him smile, he quickly turned his head to hide it. It was clear that Asia was only work friends with those in the department but he wanted their relationship to be different.

"Okay listen up. We got a call half an hour ago. A body has shown up, young male, down by the river is all we know. I need Izzy and James to go around the area of Green avenue and gather cctv footage between the hours of midnight and eight this morning. Saint and Asia, go down to the scene and find out as much as you can. The rest of you still have to deal with yesterdays paper work. We'll debrief at two let's go!"

Everyone dispursed, Asia grabbed her keys and drove them down to the location. She hopped out and made her way over to the crime scene examiners. Saint headed over to Starbucks around the corner to grab them some coffee. The main man and head of his team Johnson walked over.

"What do you have?" she asked him as her eyes scanned the scene.

"Well at first look, we thought suicide. But he had marks around his neck, dark bruising. He has no other signs of struggle on his body so he might not have put up a fight or had much success. He's been dead since early this morning. Because he was in the water so long, we might not have much success in getting an forensics." he explained to her.

"Great." she sighed, forensics was the key to all homicide cases. She went off to find Saint who walked out with a cup holder in one hand.

"Thank you." she said taking a cup, they both drank coffee the same, sweet and milky.

"What did he say?" he asked as he threw away the cup holder.

"We need to go down to the morgue. His body is on route there now, Johnson is worried about there not being forensics since he was in the water so long."

"If the body is on route they need at least two hours for post examination right?" he said, Asia nodded but wondered why he was asking.

"What's your point?" she asked before taking a sip of coffee.

"Meaning we can grab breakfast." Asia chuckled, over the last few weeks she'd learnt how much he loved food.

"We have work to do." Asia said as she hopped into her car.

"How about this? We go to the morgue and if we have to wait then we can hit up a diner?" he asked with a begging stance.

"Fine let's go." she gave in, he smirked and hopped in the passenger seat.

The morgue was a twenty minute drive, Saint headed in while she took a call from Izzy who was on cctv duty. As soon as Saint heard there would be a wait until any official results would be back he cheered happily.

"There's a wait isn't there?" Asia laughed as she saw how happy he was.

"Yep. Let's go." he said as he put in his seatbelt.

Luckily the diner wasn't too far, a nice waitress for them seated and took their order. Although they were on shift they'd be waiting around anyway, they made sure to put their work phones on the table so they could keep an eye on them.

"I'm not here to judge or anything....but you eating pickles with your breakfast burrito?" Saint asked her.

"You don't like pickles?" she asked, pickles was one of her favourite foods for sure.

"Not that bad." he chuckled as he shook his head.

"You too judgmental boo." she shook her head, she payed him no kind as she finished her burrito.

It was another ten minutes before the morgue called saying the post mortem was done. They paid for their meal and left.

Asia grew annoyed as they left the morgue, there was no other dna on the body. Which basically makes it impossible to put any one else at the scene of the crime.


The pair were now sitting in a bar which was the usual
spot for most detectives after work. Saint and Asia were trying to leave work in the office. But they were both stressed about today's case.

"You okay?" Saint asked, the conversation hasn't been what he thought.

"Yeah...I'm sorry. Can we rein-check? I'm really tired." she said, she felt bad for being such bad company tonight.

"Sure don't worry bout it." he nodded, he was out of it himself but wanted to spend some alone time with her.

Saint followed her to her car and made sure she got there safely. Asia reached over and threw her bag in before turning around to face him.

"Thank you...see you tomorrow." she said.

"How does breakfast sound?" he asked hoping that she'd be up for it.

"Breakfast sounds good." she smiled, she leaned over and kissed his cheek before getting into her car.

Saint smiled as he made his way back to the car. It was just a kiss on the cheek....or was it? That question went around and around his head as he made his way home.


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