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Saint looked around the quiet lobby as he watched time go by. Today was his first day at his new job. The fresh start had been waiting for. He was the new homicide detective but had a year of prior experience. He'd moved towns so he needed to look for a new precinct to work at as soon as possible.

A women walked towards him, Saint was taken back by her for sure. She wore a black satin blouse that hugged her large bust and grey suit trousers that caressed her slim thick thighs. His gaze was set on her beautiful face, big eyes and thick plump lips.

"You must be Saint, nice to meet you, I'm Asia." she smiled, she reached her hand out for him to shake.

He quickly stood up and shook her hand. "I'm in your department so I'll be showing you around. And you're partnered with me too." she informed, them being partnered up was music to his ears.

"Great." was all he could say.

As quickly as she could, Asia showed him around the building. He would have to get used to things before being taken out on the roads. His day got even better once he learned he was sharing an office with Asia.

He set his bag and jacket down before making his way to the staff room. He made himself a cup of coffee but was interrupted in the process. A man stood beside him, a little too close for Saint's liking.

"You the fresh meat? I'm Parker." he said reaching his hand out.

Saint looked down at his hand before looking up at him. He wondered why this man was speaking to him. Saint wasn't a fan of people feeling obligated to speak to one another. They worked in the same department but nothing more, so what was the point?

"My name's Saint actually." he said before grabbing his cup of coffee.

"I'm just messing. Who's ya partner?" Parker asked as he tried to reverse the tension.

"Asia." he said, Saint was over the conversation and was trying to refrain from speaking his mind.

"Lucky ass, we all been trynna work with her fine ass." Parker shook his head.

Saint ignored the comment and exited the room before making his way back to the office. He sat down and went through the files. He was bored of the paper work already but he was new so he understood.

The door opened, Asia walked in which quickly made him sit up. Her face held a very unapproachable look until she smiled at him.

"You bored already?" she laughed softly, her laugh made him smile for some reason.

"Yeah but it's fine." he assured not wanting to seem too disinterested.

"How about you come with me? I've got to run to a scene across town and pick up some evidence."

Saint quickly jumped up and grabbed his jacket, making her laugh. He followed her out back and they got into her car. They drove down town to a crime scene; it was a burglary gone wrong. The thief panicked once he got caught and shot the owners of the store.

The forensic team were already there, behind the store. The thief tried to move the bodies to the dumpster but got caught by civilians.

"Damn." Saint mumbled as he looked down at the blood trail.

"Not a weak stomach then?" he heard, he turned around to see a guy in a leather jacket standing behind him.

"I'm with homicide is that really a question?" Saint asked only for the man to shrug.

"You'd be surprised. I'm Xavier, you're new I'm assuming?" he asked putting his hand out to shake.

Saint wondered why they were all handshakers. Yet again he refused the hand shake and looked at the man.

"Yeah I'm Saint." he said simply, he thanked God when Asia walked over.

"Hey, you ready to go?" Asia asked, she could see that Saint wasn't happy with the conversation taking place.
Saint nodded his head, Xavier waved to Asia as she walked away. They got in the car and pulled off, Asia looked over to see if he was okay.

"Is everyone giving you a hard time?" she asked, Asia remembered being the newbie and it was horrible. And it's alway been worse since she's woman in a male dominated career as well as department .

"Nothing I can't handle." he shrugged off.

"How come you left your last precinct?" she asked out of curiosity

"I wanted to move and properties were a lot nicer around here so I just upped and moved town." he said, nothing was keeping him in his old town so he thought why not.

"Fair enough. It takes a lot to leave this home though."
she said, Asia had thought about it many times but there were too many cons that came with the decision.

Asia parked up and cut the engine before heading inside. Saints first day had been a basic one but he was glad he'd moved there. He had one interest now.....Asia.

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