chapter twenty-two

939 32 37

tw: angsty angst

suggested song for this chapter
(play around the end of this chapter)
gilded lily by cults

"ೃ so, i have to stay here?"

i sighed looking at his worried face.


"and you guys have to leave?" skoochy turned to kai and jinora and they nodded.

"and you have to go too?" he looked up at me. "i dunno, y/n, it's safer here."

"who else is gonna save the city? mako and bolin?" i joked.

he chuckled softly.

"let me talk to him real quick, you two go get ready." i said. jinora and kai said their quick goodbyes before stepping away.

"look, don't worry about me. you aren't even supposed to be here, you're supposed to be in the earth kingdom. but since you're stuck here, i need you somewhere where i'm sure you're safe." i said.

"okay. but my earthbending has gotten better, maybe-"

"your earthbending sucks and you're not gonna help." i interrupted.

"i said it's gotten better." he shrugged.

"you used a tiny dagger to try and rob a store. as your sister, i'm disappointed. i ain't teach you to fight like that." i said.

he rolled his eyes at that.

"if it was better, you would have robbed it successfully. but that's not important."

he huffed.

"look, you're our little brother. even if you did tried to rob us one too many times." i said.

he chuckled lightly. "don't worry about us. just stay here where it's safe and i'll came to get you once it's all over."


i stood up and rubbed his head. "hey, take it easy!"

"what? i'm fixing it!"

he laughed and shoved me aside. i started to walk away but he called me back.

"hey, by the way, who was that ugly grandpa that was there when we walked in?"

i turned to face him. "you got all spooked when you saw him."

"he's uh.. no one. just a really bad guy." i said.

"really? need me to beat him up?"

i laughed. "i think we're good for now, bud."

he nodded and i smiled at him. he sat back down with the other two kids and i walked up to korra and asami.

they saw me and looked scared to hear what i had to say.

"i won't say anything but this. a heads-up would have been nice." i started.

"sorry. we didn't know he'd be here." korra said.

"yeah, lin didn't tell us she'd be leaving to go find him.." asami added.

"the plan is good. if it'll help us win this, it's good."

they glance at eachother and then look back at me.

"is that it?" korra asked.

i laughed. "i want everything to be okay with you and your dad but..." i glanced at him fixing one of the suits.

escapism // 𝑘𝑜𝑟𝑟𝑎𝑠𝑎𝑚𝑖 𝑥 𝑓𝑒𝑚! 𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑒𝑟Where stories live. Discover now