chapter one

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"ೃ okay, i have ten minutes."

i was rapidly fixing my hair in the mirror of my bathroom. i glanced at the wall where a clock was mounted and saw ten minutes had went by quickly.

"oh shit, asami's gonna kill me." i seethed. i look at my reflection once more before running out of asami's room.

i picked up my shoes before running out of the room, leaving the mess we made last night. mango was probably in the gardens again eating the plants so i ran down there.

once i reached the garden on the side of the estate, i spotted the bison eating the eucalyptus plants again.

"mango!" i yell out.

she looks over at me with a branch in her mouth before continuing to chew.

"ugh.." i walk over to her and jump onto her neck.

"we gotta go. come on." i say, grabbing the rope that's attached to her horns.

she groans to complain but i just mock her. she begins to lift herself off the floor and we start to fly away from the estate and through the city.

i led her to the square where the new central station was. asami had helped build it and today was a grand opening of some sort.

we finally arrived when the ceremony was starting. thank the spirits or asami wouldn't talk to me for the next week.

mango landed a yard away from the crowd and i pat her head gently before walking toward the crowd.

i spotted mako and jiang near the front and squeezed through the crowd to stand beside him.

mako noticed me appear next to him. he laughs quietly to himself

"what's so funny?"

"i told you to wake up earlier."

"i did. i just went back to sleep once my alarm went off." i shrugged.

"of course you did."

i lean over and wave quickly a jiang.

i roll my eyes and i lean over and wave quickly a jiang.

at the top of the steps, asami, the president, and a bunch of bodyguards were standing on there in front of a podium.

he was giving a speech about what the train house was and a bunch of business stuff.

"i meant to ask, have you talked to bolin lately?" mako asked.

"i called him last week. he's okay, he's coming in a couple of days for the coronation. why do you ask?" i said quietly.

"i meant to call him. i haven't talk to him in a while."

"why didn't you?"

"i got stuck with this twink." he tilted his head to gesture to the prince next to him.

he was checking his nails, picking at them.

i laugh to myself and look back up at the president talking.

"...and a special thanks to asami sato and future industries. she brought our old central terminal into a new modern era." he boasted.

asami smiled brightly before looking over at me. i gave her a small wave.

she looks so pretty standing up there.

"ladies and gentlemen, the world is entering a new age of peace and prosperity. soon, prince wu will take his rightful place on the earth kingdom throne." he gestured to the kid standing next to mako.

escapism // 𝑘𝑜𝑟𝑟𝑎𝑠𝑎𝑚𝑖 𝑥 𝑓𝑒𝑚! 𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑒𝑟Where stories live. Discover now