chapter three

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"ೃ attention, rookies. you'd better listen or you'll be out of a job before you can say detective." beifong barked.

"you wanna relax a bit?" i mumble. "not a chance." she smirks.

i laugh and look at the group of young adults shaking in their boots, with their hands behind their back like they're in the military.

"here's how this is gonna go. after a couple of introductions, we're gonna go over rules and expectations. and what happens if you fail to meet those expectations."

the rookies stare at her dead in the eyes with fear.

"then y/n here will separate you into groups based on your field. now, just because you've been sorted into a specific field, doesn't mean you'll only receive cases relevant to it." she continues.

"if we think we need you for a case that deals with narcotics, then we'll let you know." i added.

"other than that, don't complain to me like i'm your mother because you didn't get the field you wanted. complain one time, and you're gone. alright?"

they all nod rapidly and i just chuckled to myself.

"so once you're separated, y/n will introduce herself and show you around the department before taking her group. understand?"

they all nod once more. lin continues her lecture, scaring the shit out of them just like she did to me three years ago.

i smile a little when some of the taller, intimidating guys standing in the back start sweating.

"and one last rule. don't piss me off. now over to y/n."

she passed me the clipboard, which she barely used her whole speech. i laugh gently and look at it quickly.

"alright, guys. you can ease up, this isn't boot camp." i chuckle.

some of them drop their shoulders and breathe out in relief.

"so, if you didn't already know, i'm detective y/n. if you haven't heard of me, you've probably heard of my partner, mako. but that doesn't really matter. anyways, a little advice, i know you're all probably super nervous but you really shouldn't be." i start.

"your first week is gonna be super chill, you won't be given any big responsibilities, the most your probably going to do is a pile of paperwork that we don't even check half the time." i said.

a few of them let out a chuckle. "but still, you should get them done because that's the law."

i flip over a paper to see a list of names organized into each field.

"alright, any questions before i start?"

one of the taller guys raised his hand hesitantly and i looked at him.


"is it true you single-handedly put an end to the agni-kai triad?" he asked shyly.

i laughed a bit. "not single-handedly. my brother, detective mako, helped." i answer.

they smiled at me the same way one would with a celebrity.

"okay, so i'm gonna sort y'all into groups now. so, a little disclaimer."

i put the clipboard down and looked at the group.

"like beifong said, just because you studied to get into a specific field, doesn't mean you're going to get it. whatever field i say you're in, is the one you're stuck with for however long you're working here. i don't want y'all crying and complaining sayin' you got the wrong one, cause we're not changing it."

escapism // 𝑘𝑜𝑟𝑟𝑎𝑠𝑎𝑚𝑖 𝑥 𝑓𝑒𝑚! 𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑒𝑟Where stories live. Discover now