chapter fourteen

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tw: angst </3

"ೃ hmm.. chamomile or lavender?"

"uhh.. the blue one."

asami sighed and was obviously irritated with me.

i looked up from my work and smiled weakly. "sorry. i'm just doing some work and also helping out mako and jiang with their wedding." i explained.

"shouldn't they be doing that themselves?" she asked me, walking over to me.

i was sitting on the kitchen counter with my files and notebooks while asami was making some tea for korra.

"yeah but mako has no taste. so, it's really just me helping jiang." i told her.

"oh. so, what are you doing now?" she asked as she placed a tea bag into a cup of hot water.

"i'm.. looking at local florists and their locations and prices and stuff. jiang's busier than me though, he's been looking at suits and venues.. ugh, we're both stressed." i sighed.

asami put her hand on mine, which was holding my pen, and i looked up at her.

"relax for a minute, let's go talk to korra." she suggested.

"i'm sorry, i really can't. i have to get to work in ten minutes anyways." i winced.

she sighed and puts the cup down. "since when did you become such a workaholic?"

"since i realized nothing in this city is free." i responded, looking back down at the papers.

she shook her head and took her cup. "fine, go to work. i'll just tell korra you don't care about her anymore."

she kissed the side of my head and walks away.

"hey, i never said that!" i called out. she didn't respond and just walked away.

i sighed and put my stuff away and took them to my room. i got dressed for work and found mango before flying to work.

i was thinking about korra the whole way. i hadn't seen her all morning, maybe i should have stayed and talked to her for a while.

but i haven't been to work since i left for zaofu. lin must be furious.

i arrived a couple minutes later.

all the rookies were scrambling all over the office with papers in their hands.

i stumbled around them to lin's office and walked in.

"hey, all your teenagers are running around the office like it's the end of the world and i'm not equipped to deal with all those.. hormones.." i trailed off when i saw kya sitting on lin's desk.

and lin leaning over her with both hands on wait her side of kya .

they both turned and stared with fear.

i sucked my teeth and turned around before closing the door behind me.

"i hate old people." i whispered.

"okay! relax, before i beat everyone one of you up individually." i yelled out.

everyone calmed down and gathered in a little group, holding their papers.

"go to your desks, i'll look at your cases when i get to you." i ordered. they all ran to their desks and i rolled my eyes at how scared they were.

i went and checked their cases individually. it was obvious they all put an immense amount of work into it.

escapism // 𝑘𝑜𝑟𝑟𝑎𝑠𝑎𝑚𝑖 𝑥 𝑓𝑒𝑚! 𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑒𝑟Where stories live. Discover now