chapter six

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!! warning: sexual content !!

"ೃ so where's your wife?"

"she's not my wife yet."

bolin laughs as we walk out of the restaurant.

"she'll be here in a bit for the coronation."

"bolin!!" someone shrieked.

we all look at the doors in horror before relaxing when we recognized who it was.

asami was standing at the doors of the lobby in her curly hair, waving ecstatically.

they run at each other and hug before rocking in place.

mako and i smile at the pair of besties before making our way towards them.

"i missed you so much! i'm so glad you're back!" asami yelled out.

"i missed you more! i couldn't handle not having my best friend." he cried.

she pulled away and looked at him more closely.

"ugh, look at you! you're so much older now! and look." she stands beside him.

bolin grew a couple of inches, now he's the same height as asami.

"you're as tall as i am! you hit a growth spurt in the earth kingdom or something?" she laughs.

"i'm just glad i'm not the same height as y/n anymore." he sighs.

"was it so emasculating to be the same height as a five foot six girl?" i laugh.

"yes. okay, i was sixteen thinking i was average height." he said.

i shrug, trying not to embarrass him. "cause you were! kind of.." i muttered.

he shakes his head while laughing.

"well you look great."

"thank you! see, this is why you're my best friend." he says.

"of course! oou! how's opal? you haven't talked about her too much." she asked.

bolin gives us awkward glances and we just shrug.

"it's complicated." he sighs.

asami gasps slightly. "did you-"

"oh no! no, we're still together! that was a poor choice of words, that's my fault." he sputtered.

mako and i laugh watching them. asami sighed out in relief.

"okay, well, what happened?"

"she's just mad at me. don't worry about it, we'll talk it out soon." he sighed.

asami pats his shoulder gently and smiled comfortingly.

"okay, enough about my love life. i don't really wanna think about it for a while." he chuckled awkwardly.

"alright, got it." she says.

"so where's korra? is she coming to coronation later, or..?" he asked.

asami and i look at each other. "oh, she was supposed to come in the other day but her dad said she left and no one's seen her for months." i explained.

his face softened. "oh, no. is she okay?" he asked.

"yeah, she's fine!" asami said. "she sent us a letter saying she's okay and she just needed to clear her head before coming back." she continued.

escapism // 𝑘𝑜𝑟𝑟𝑎𝑠𝑎𝑚𝑖 𝑥 𝑓𝑒𝑚! 𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑒𝑟Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum