chapter two

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"ೃ what the hell are you doing here?"

i laughed as i ran to hug her. she spun me around like she used to. i could feel myself starting to cry when she wouldn't let go.

"i've missed you so much." i cried into her shoulder.

"i missed you so much more." she hugged me tighter. i was confused as to why i didn't feel asami join the hug.

i pulled away and placed both hands on her cheeks. i looked at her sweet face. she still had those gorgeous bright blue eyes. i love how they glimmer in the moonlight.

i looked up at her hair. it had been cut all the way down to her ears. i went to touch it and she laughed.

"i might have cut it a bit short. do you like it?" she asked hesitantly.

"no, i love it. i'm just.. surprised. i was so used to your cute little ponytail." i said, looking back down at her face.

i look at her eye and notice a faded bruise.

aggressively, i pulled her face toward mine and stare at it. "is that a black eye? what the hell happened to you?" i started.

she laughs. "it was an accident, i'm fine."

she touches my hand and holds it up to her face.

"you're so beautiful." she cups my face and kisses me passionately.

i got flashbacks from when she kissed me on the airship after i told her i loved her.

she pulled herself away from me and then looked up to asami.

i looked and she was still shocked. korra walked up to her and started rambling.

"asami, i'm so, so sorry. i should have told you guys i wasn't gonna show up today and that i wasn't in the south but it's more complicated than you think. i didn't lie for the reason you think, i just need-"

"ugh, just shut up and kiss me." asami grabbed her face and kissed her.

i smiled happily at the sight of them. asami pulled away and hugged her tight.

they began rocking in place and i ran up to hug them. they laughed and wrapped their arms around me.

asami gasped and pulled away. she took korra's hands and looked down at her.

"we need to tell everyone you're back! they're gonna freak out when they see you!" she whisper-shouted.

i looked at korra. her face softened up a bit.

"actually.. i cant."

"what? why?" asami asked.

she stuttered to say something and looked stressed about what she was gonna say.

"it's kind of complicated, uhm.." she scratched the back of her head before i touched her shoulder.

"how about we go inside to talk, yeah?"

korra nodded and we snuck her back into the temple. we snuck back into our room and shut the door behind us.

we sat down on the bed while korra took off her creepy looking cloak to reveal earth kingdom clothing.

"so, why don't you wanna let everyone know you're here?" i asked.

"i guess i'm not ready. i've missed everyone so much, it's not like i don't wanna see them." she starts.

"so, what's the problem?" asami shrugged.

she sighs and sits in between us on the bed.

"the only reason i came to the city was to see you two. but seeing everyone else, it'll overwhelm me. i don't think i'm ready." she confessed.

escapism // 𝑘𝑜𝑟𝑟𝑎𝑠𝑎𝑚𝑖 𝑥 𝑓𝑒𝑚! 𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑒𝑟Where stories live. Discover now