chapter twenty-one

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"ೃ y/n? y/n!.."

i groaned. the soft voice was enough to make my head want to fall off. i looked at my surroundings and saw we were all lying around in a pile of rubble of asami's former factory.

everyone was lying around, i think some of them were injured but i couldn't tell

"asami? korra!" i sighed out.

korra was climbing over a mountain of rocks and rubble and found me struggling to stand up.

she ran down it, almost falling over.

"be careful, korra! slow down!" i yelled.

she ignored me and ran up to me to hug the shit out of me.

"are you okay??"

"are you okay??"

she pulled away to look at my face. she gently swiped the dirt off my cheek.

"i feel fine." i sighed contently.

"okay, good. i woke up and you weren't there next to me, and i just got so nervous. i thought you got blown up and just.. ugh, i'm so glad you're okay!" she rambled.

i smiled at how dorky she could be. i grabbed her face and kissed her before hugging her tightly.

i pulled away to look at her again. we found everyone else sitting around.

they all looked so exhausted and some of the acolytes had been injured.

asami was tending to one of the kids when i walked up to her.

"you guys okay?" i sighed as i crouched down.

kai was holding his knee. "i scraped my knee but i'm fine." he chuckled.

it looked worse than a scrape. his palms were covered in blood and he was breathing heavily.

asami pulled out a roll of bandages from her pocket.

"you were just carrying that around?" he asked her.

"you never know when you're living with y/n." she shrugged.

i rolled my eyes and she just chuckled softly.

she helped kai before i went over to tenzin and my brothers and everyone else.

"kuvira's army is heading this way, on the green bridge." tenzin said.

"what do we do now?" i sighed.

bolin looked at me worriedly. "maybe we should leave. come back another day, there's nothing else we can do to keep here away now."

"i'm not giving up, bo. this is our home." i sighed out.

"i know! but look. look at what she's done already. i don't see how we can beat her." he said, looking at the destruction around us.

"we can't leave. what about all the people we haven't evacuated yet? our family too, we don't even know if they got out." i told him.

"and what if they find out the prince is with them? she'll blow him up and everyone else with him too. and if grandma is there? and all the kids, we can't leave them here, bo." mako added.

"i already let her take zaofu. i'm not letting her take the united republic." korra said.

bolin sighed.

"the world isn't safe as long as she has the spirit cannon." she continued.

"i agree."

i looked up at the top of the rubble pile. lin was standing there, slightly out of breath.

escapism // 𝑘𝑜𝑟𝑟𝑎𝑠𝑎𝑚𝑖 𝑥 𝑓𝑒𝑚! 𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑒𝑟Where stories live. Discover now