chapter seven

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"ೃ stop kissing me with your morning breath,"

"nah, i like kissing you."

asami continues to plant soft kisses on my cheek before my hand rose up to her face. i turned my head slightly and she kissed my cheek one more time.

we were in nothing but oversized shirts as a result of us being too tired to get dressed for bed last night.

i turn my body to face her and hug her close to let my head rest under hers.

she chuckled and hugged me back tightly.

"you okay? i wasn't too rough last night, was i?" she muttered.

"mm.. no, it's okay." i hummed, ignoring the bite marks on my thighs and neck.

"uh.. okay." she mumbled. i started to let myself fall asleep again and she nudged my body to get me to wake up, but i just ignored her.

"we have to get up. for the engagement party, remember?" she said softly.

i groaned to complain. "it's not until tonight.. we got time.."

she laughs and i feel her turn her head slightly.

"alright, ten minutes. but then we gotta get up."


she kissed the top of my head and quickly went back to sleep with me in her arms.

ten minutes pass and we get up and get ready for the proposal.

yesterday was a bit of a mess with kuvira and the prince and all that.

but before anyone can go anywhere or do anything, mako and jiang wanna do this today before all this chaos will unravel.

the plan was for me to go with mako to help him get ready then go to the park where we'll meet up with our whole family, including tenzin, pema, and his kids.

asami is going to take jiang to get him ready and stuff before taking him to the park, where he's gonna propose to mako.

asami and i have this all planned out to the very last detail and it's gonna be perfect.

the only thing any one else has to do is help decorate and bring food.

asami went to their apartment building that was just a block away from ours, one she owned of course.

she owns like thirteen different apartment buildings. why? because she can.

anyways, enough about my very rich girlfriend.

she took jiang somewhere before i took mako back to mine to get him ready.

i just helped do his hair and find out which of the outfits he brought was the right one.

"can't i just wear what i always wear?" he asked.

i look back at him. "he won't say yes if you do." i smirked.

he sighed. "so, i think this green and black one is cool, kinda casual. but you're proposing, so casual isn't an option." i started.

"since when were you such a fashionista?" he joked.

"what a jokester. anyways, here just put this one on." i chuckled.

he rolls his eyes and snatched the hanged outfit from my hand. he made his way to the bathroom while i sat down on the bed waiting for him.

"have you practiced your speech at all like i told you to?" i called out.

"uh, no, y/n, i haven't practiced." he said in a mocking tone. i gave him a bored look.

escapism // 𝑘𝑜𝑟𝑟𝑎𝑠𝑎𝑚𝑖 𝑥 𝑓𝑒𝑚! 𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑒𝑟Where stories live. Discover now