chapter ten

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"ೃ are you sure you're ready?"

"to beat her ass? yeah."

i glared at asami next to me. "i wasnt talkin' to you."

"i know." she smirked.

i shook my head. we were walking toward kuvira's tent, with a man in uniform taking us to her.

korra laughed hearing us bicker. she's been enjoying this little bit of kuvira crushing on me and asami being jealous of her.

we arrived to kuvira's tent, where she was standing with her back facing us while she was talking to some of her followers.

the man that was leading us said, "kuvira, you have some visitors."

she turned and smirked the second she saw me.

her eyes diverted to korra. "avatar korra. it's good to see you again. last i heard, you were still healing in the south pole." she greeted.

"well, i'm a lot better now." she told her.

"that's wonderful news. so, what can i do for you beautiful ladies?"

she stared me dead in the eye saying that. i quickly looked away from her.

"i'm here to tell you to back down. you don't need zaofu, so please. take your army and leave." she started.

i smiled at her with pride. she wasn't being aggressive like she usually is. kuvira's gaze softened looking at her again.

"i'm sorry, but i think we both know that's not going to happen."

korra stood awkwardly for a second. she glanced back at me and then at kuvira again. "okay.."

"i can't let you take it." she stated.

"look, i was tasked with bringing the earth empire together and being stable once again. zaofu is the last holdout." she said.

"why should i treat it differently than any other state?" she asked.

"do you really need zaofu? it seems pretty stable from here." she held her hand out to the metal city and it looked as it always did.

kuvira sighed with an irritated look.

"what you're doing isn't right."

"i understand you're trying to do su some kind of favor but you can't just come to me and tell me what to do when you've been gone for the past three years. and while i'm on the verge of reuniting my nation."

korra's head hung low slightly.

"the world was descending into chaos while you were gone. i had to make some tough decisions."

"i know what that's like. i've had people mad at me for decisions i make all the time." korra sighed.

"see? you get it." kuvira's tone softened as she walked up to korra.

"korra, if you really want to help, go back to su and try to talk some sense into her." she said, putting her uniformed hand on korra's shoulder.

she seemed open to the idea. "let's call it a temporary truce. i won't make any moves on zaofu until you talk to her and get back to me. alright?"

korra sighed. i watched as the tension grew high while asami and i waited for her to answer.

"okay.. yeah. maybe it's for the best."

no it's not, but okay.

kuvira smiled at her and glanced at me before walking away.

korra looked back at me with an amusing smirk. "she couldn't keep her eyes off you."

escapism // 𝑘𝑜𝑟𝑟𝑎𝑠𝑎𝑚𝑖 𝑥 𝑓𝑒𝑚! 𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑒𝑟Where stories live. Discover now