chapter four

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"ೃ can't you write it for me?"

"he's not my boyfriend!"

mako and i were sitting in the living room of my apartment. i was helping him practice writing his proposal for jiang while asami was just listening to us from the kitchen table.

"but you're better at writing. i suck. all i have written right now is 'i wanna marry you.' it's pathetic." mako throws the paper down on the table and slouches back.

"so it needs work, it doesn't mean i need to write the whole thing for you." i told him.

i scan over the paper he had. it literally just had the words 'i wanna marry you' and then a bunch of scribbles all over.

"you just need to think about how you feel about him and write it down on paper. don't think too much about it." i said. i placed the paper on his lap and he glared at me.

he sits up and looks at it again.

"i don't like cheesy stuff like this." he complains.

"mako, you're thinking way too hard." asami chuckled.

"yeah he was never good at expressing his feelings. once he put himself through a week of pain 'cause he sprained his wrist and didn't know how to tell us." i told her.

she turned around with interest.

"it wasn't until i grabbed his wrist where he screamed out like a little girl and we finally went to a healer."

"ugh men and their feelings." she says, shaking her head and taking a sip of coffee.

"i know, right?"

"okay, yeah, i know, men suck. look, can't i just give him the ring and have him figure it out?"

i was about to tell him how dumb that is but someone else did.

"no that's a terrible plan!"

i groaned. mako couldn't leave the prince anywhere and so now he's snooping around my apartment, looking at all the things i own.

he popped his head out from behind the wall and looked at us.

"you need to be vulnerable, mako! if you write down exactly how you feel about him, he'll fall head over heels! that's how i won over my ex-girlfriend from the fire nation."

i pursed my lips, realizing wu was right.

"he has a point." asami says to mako.

"and once you're done, i'll revise the writing so it's not too corny for you to read out loud." i said.

he sighs and looks at me. "but then i have to like.. say it and-" he picks up a decorative pillow and groans into it.

"it's so embarrassing.."

"well, i know you're not gonna come up with anything on the spot, so this is what we're gonna do." i stood up from the couch and went to get a drink.

i poured myself a glass of water while asami continued to talk to mako.

"you're making this a bigger deal than it needs to be." she chuckled.

he snatches the pillow and hugs it aggressively.

"why is it so hard for you anyway?" she asks.

"i dunno. it just doesn't come as easily to me." he shrugs avoiding eye-contact.

"you're doing it again." i chuckle.

"it doesn't! when was the last time you heard me actually talk about my feelings?"

escapism // 𝑘𝑜𝑟𝑟𝑎𝑠𝑎𝑚𝑖 𝑥 𝑓𝑒𝑚! 𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑒𝑟Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt