chapter five

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"ೃ heyyy... i got a question."

"if it's about kya, then no."

i huffed immediately. i didn't think she picked up on it.

i close the door to lin's office and sit down across from her.


"what are you? five? i said no." she hissed.

"i just wanna know what's going on between you two. i've literally never seen you two talk and then all of a sudden, she's callin' you linny."

"it's none of your business. here." she pulled out a stack of papers and slams it down in the wooden desk.

i glare at her. "really?"

"just give it to the rookies and leave me alone." she sighs.

i roll my eyes. i pick myself up and take the stack of papers. i kick the door open before thinking of play a prank of lin.

"oh hi, kya! is that another snack basket?" i said loud enough for her to hear.

lin shoots up from her seat to look out the door but glares daggers at me when i just smirk.

i laugh to myself while making my way to my desk.

i'll spare you the boring details of the paperwork i had to do.

i tried to do the most before going to meet with a social worker for skoochy.

then after meeting with them, i finished more paperwork and reminded myself how close the coronation was.

when korra visited us, it was four days. and it's finally tomorrow! i finally get to see my brother after three years.

i wonder how he's changed. i know he's a little different now he can her he's been working for kuvira.

i never thought he'd be the type to support her. i always thought kuvira was loyal and nice but in the news, i have no idea what shelf turned into.

forcing small towns to pledge their loyalty to her and then calling herself "the great uniter."

it's kind of a mutual feeling between.. everyone that kuvira's taking over the earth kingdom in a bad way.

i even heard she's thinking of changing the name to the earth empire, even though it's been a monarchy for thousands of years.

i just hope she hasn't influenced the values or morals we taught bo.

i kept thinking about it all throughout my workday until i clock out and head to the restaurant.

when i step off mango after she flew me here, i see a bunch of reporters and photographers at the front, snapping pictures of the entrance.

"the hell?" i mutter.

i looked at mango and smirked. "give them a little scare, go on."

she stomped toward the mob, making her presence known before they all turn around in fear. she lets out en evil roar before all the men let out girly screams and run for the hills.

i laugh at their reactions before walking toward mango. "good girl!"

she smiled while i pet her head. she flew around to the back of the building while i walked into the restaurant.

i see mako and the prince eating at a booth in the back.

"hey, guys." i greeted.

"hi, y/n! ugh, these seweeed noodles are to die for! what's the recipe??" he said excitedly.

escapism // 𝑘𝑜𝑟𝑟𝑎𝑠𝑎𝑚𝑖 𝑥 𝑓𝑒𝑚! 𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑒𝑟Where stories live. Discover now