chapter sixteen

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"ೃ how are you alive?!"

"come on! i can't die that easily!" bolin laughs.

i rubbed my head while mako was still sputtering out questions.

"kuvira said you died in some freak accident!"

"seriously? and you believed her? it takes more than an explosion to kill me off." he said.

mako and i give each other a bored look. bolin laughs.

"guys, i'm so, so, so, so, sorry we left things the way we did. we said some shitty things to each other and it took me too long to realize i was on the wrong side. i'm so sorry." she rambled.

i couldn't help but laugh. "you know, i don't even care anymore." 

"yeah, we're just glad you're alive." mako added.

he smiled. they both of us hugged him tightly.

i don't think i would have recovered from thinking he was gone.

korra came up as we pulled away from him. she gave him a hug as well.

"i'm so glad you're okay, bolin." she sighed.

"thanks. and i'm so happy to finally see you again, korra." he said.

she patted his shoulder and turned to look at us.

"i know you guys probably need a minute, but there's a lot of crap going on in the swamp right now." she continued, wincing at the end.

"oh.. that's okay. we're good, right?" i asked, looking up at the two guys.

they sighed and nodded.

"great. i promise, once all of this is over, we'll all take a long vacation on the beach." she said.

i smiled at the idea of lying on the beach in the sun. and making out on the beach in the sun.

"alright, kuvira has this plan and it's a lot to explain, so just listen." bolin started.

he continued to tell us about her plan to build a super weapon that varrick created using the magic from spirit vines.

"super weapon or nuclear weapon?" i asked.

"ehhh... i'd say borderline nuclear." he winced.

"how big was the explosion that supposedly killed you?" mako asked.

he thought about it and made a face. "yeah, it's definitely nuclear."

"wow. wait, how'd you even survive that?" i asked him.

"oh! i kicked a hole in the floor and made a tunnel and kept digging deep enough so the explosion wouldn't hit us." he said proudly.

"aw, he's a little badger mole!" mako boasted.

i laughed with him.

"anyways, i found out kuvira's in the swamp right now, cutting spirit vines. and that place is a spiritual hotspot. all the trees and plants get their energy from there. and she's destroying it." korra finished.

"wow, so deforestation is supposed to help the earth kingdom?" i chuckled.

she smirked, holding back laughter.

tenzin and the president came out of the hall and walked up to where we were standing outside.

"we're so glad you're alive, bolin. i don't know what we would have done if you were really gone." tenzin started giving him a fatherly hug.

"thanks, it's great to see you again, tenzin." he sighed.

"i know you just got back, but we need to bring you back inside to get more details on kuvira and this super weapon." raiko continued.

escapism // 𝑘𝑜𝑟𝑟𝑎𝑠𝑎𝑚𝑖 𝑥 𝑓𝑒𝑚! 𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑒𝑟Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz