Finally Over (How About a Sequel? :P)

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I grumbled and rolled over as images flashed through my mind. I was five, watching, through envious green eyes, children playing the games they wouldn’t let me join.

And then I was older, fighting with the girl that had once been my best friend. I told her it was over, with as much dignity and an undersized little eight-year-old could muster, and turned away, anger and tears welling up in my eyes. I missed her.

I was ten now, begging my mom to dye my hair something normal, blond, brown, ginger, anything but the horrible, unnatural-looking color that set me apart from the rest of my class.

I was playing basketball for the first time, a skinny little sixth-grader, watching wide-eyed as a tall, beautiful woman with inky hair and caramel-colored skin guided me through a drill I never would have managed alone. Why do I feel like I’ve seen her before?

Once again, the image in front of my eyes swam and blurred, only to be replaced by another. I was walking through a forest, leaves brushing against my arms and grass tickling my bare feet.

Suddenly, like someone waking from a trance, my eyes snapped open; groaning, stiff, and sore, I pushed myself up and gazed up at the whitewashed ceiling, then let my gaze travel across my surroundings.

A small gasp escaped from my throat. I was back in my old bedroom, back where I had lived before my time at the school. As I glanced around, thoughts spun through my head like petals on a springtime breeze. Was that all just a dream? Lily, Jynx, Luna, Dragon... did I imagine them all? Fighting Harmony...

My wings flexed painfully as I stood up, desperately trying to maintain my balance. Wait! I gasped, a silly grin spreading over my face. My wings... I still have wings!

Twirling around, I caught sight of a sweep of auburn and white feathers, each tipped with black.

Beaming, I rushed over to the mirror mounted on my door. My wings were definitely there, no simple figment of my imagination. Seeing that familiar aspect of my appearance was a huge relief. But my eyes... my eyes! They were no longer green like freshly cut grass; instead, they glowed blue like the sky. A streak of pale blue flowed down through my red hair as well, like a river paving its way through smooth red soil.

I flung open the window, wanting to scream out my joy to the whole world. In fact, I half expected my friends to all be standing out there, waiting for me.

But the weren’t. My yard was abandon, except for... except for... oh my god...

In the corner, huddled by the fence post, was a wolf, black fur gleaming, its eyes, neon-green even in the sunlight, were raised towards me knowingly.

Unsure of what else to do, I waved. And the wolf, well, theres no other way to put this, it waved back. With that last motion, a single flick of the paw, Jynx bounded away, leaping over the fence as though it was nothing.

And then I was alone.

But somehow, deep down, I knew it wasn’t going to stay that way.


{Finally... over... if you actually read the whole thing, all I can say is that you are an impressive little meatball.  I just have a few things to say: first off, never underestimate the power of crappy stories you wrote when you were little.  They can make you very sentimental if they want.  Second off, Sherman was very angry that Jynx left him behind, and, third off, seriously, if you read this whole thing, then I take my hat off to you, good sir~}

    Best Wishes,

          -Rowan Mary Sue North

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