Chapter Nine: Katie Barnes- Chaperone from Hades

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I flew, literally flew, my still-strengthening wings burning with the effort of keeping myself ten feet above the ground, but not bothering to stop or rest until I reached the hill. I sighed, and blinked in the bright spring sunlight. “I can’t do this.” I muttered under my breath as I stumbled up the steep, rocky climb. Shaking my head to clear it, I threw the arena doors open and charged into the locker room, the place that I had grown familiar with over the week as me and my friends spent our free time playing around with the weapons, or eating our lunch picnic-style out in the actual arena. Right then, more than anything, I wished that I could be coming up here with such a careless, simple goal in mind.

“Hey, Rowan!” Jynx waved me over to where she, Little Dragon, Luna, Lily, and even Harmony, surprisingly enough, were standing around a small bench, examining the newest air soft gun.

Little Dragon gave me a look. “How’d it go with the headmaster?”

“Yeah, she’s seriously scary!” Luna put in, grinning. “I’m astonished a new girl like you even survived!”

I looked down at my feet. “That’s actually what I wanted to talk to you guys about.” I quickly explained the case with Alicia Bounty, and the duty I had been called to perform.

“Sounds dangerous.” Little Dragon commented.

“It will be.” I said, grinning a little bit. “So the headmaster said I could bring anybody I wanted to help me out. Would any of you be interested in helping me out?” You know, when I said that, I had sort of expected my friends to say no, or at least be reluctant when they said yes. So not what happened.

“I’m in!” Jynx said instantly, smacking her hand down on my shoulder. I tried not to wince, or crumble to the floor with pain. “Hey, you wouldn’t make it three feet out there without me.”

“Yeah, you really wouldn’t,” Lily laughed. “I’m coming too.”

“Me too!” Luna bounced up from her seat.

All eyes turned on Little Dragon, who narrowed her eyes, running a hand through her now-hot-pink hair and looking thoughtful. “Well…” She said slowly. “It would be good training for the zombie apocalypse.” She nodded and grinned. “Alright, I’m in.”

Suddenly looking serious again, she added, “We need a plan.”

“Right.” Jynx added. “It sounds like we’re gonna be on our own, though, so I wonder how we’re going to get there.”

“Little Dragon and Rowan can just fly.” Lily said slowly. “But the rest of us can’t really-”

“Wait.” We all turned around in surprise as Harmony spoke out, bouncing up and down. “I want to come, too. I’m coming with you.”

The five of us exchanged horrified glances. No. Lily mouthed, shaking her head while Little Dragon rolled her eyes and Jynx smacked herself hard on the arm, looking ready to murder someone. Luna didn’t say anything, but I could tell by the way she narrowed her eyes she was just as upset as the rest of us. “Err…” I muttered slowly, looking Harmony over. “It’ll be really dangerous. And you’re power isn’t really that… impressive. It just wouldn‘t be safe for you.”

“So?” Harmony was still grinning.

“It won’t be our fault if you get maimed.” Little Dragon added, darkly but helpfully, as we all observed her hair turn to a stormy ink-black color.

“And you probably will be,” Lily chipped in with a shrug.

“Its not a good idea. At all.” Luna said simply.

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