𝐒𝐈𝐗𝐓𝐘 𝐅𝐎𝐔𝐑, the kill zone

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This is actually a fun lil chapter

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This is actually a fun lil chapter. Nothing traumatizing or even bad happens here which surprised even myself! This is basically a fun lil chapter where everyone's nice and happy so enjoy it while it lasts 🤗

Also, explanation of her Domain Expansion is in the author's note so make sure to read that too!

Oh and... A smut chapter is coming soon... 👀

HER DOMAIN EXPANSION WAS, FOR lack of better words, pretty shitty. If Sukuna was here now, he would probably be nagging in her ear about how much of an idiot she was to try and attempt one now.

She remembered the days where she trained with him on this technique and how he constantly pushed her to her limits. Despite that, she was barely able to construct a complete barrier even with a makeshift one like she was doing right now.

Her domain was incomplete, which was why she needed to contain them both in a water sphere since she couldn't conjure up the space on her own. It had never worked before and she could already feel the exhaustion seeping into her bones, but she pushed through it because this was her only chance.

It was an extremely risky move. Not just because her domain could fail, but because Ranto could easily electrocute her in this sphere and end it all in an instant. If she survived that (and that was a pretty big IF) Sukuna would never let her live it down.

As the domain finished its final pieces of construction, the atmosphere began to shift rapidly.

The water darkened. It turned from a clear blue to a near black color, as if they had suddenly teleported to the bottom of the ocean. It should've been impossible for her to see, but all of her senses felt heightened to the beyond. She could see Ranto a few meters away from her, his eye darting around like he was trying to find her in the darkness.

Before he could make a move, two wires tipped with fish hooks shot out from either side and pierced through Ranto's sides with startling ease.

"Blub—?!" He exclaimed in surprise, his voice muffled with the water.

He still couldn't find her so he tried to blast the surrounding area with electricity, but his body felt like it was being squeezed. There was an invisible pressure around him that left him immobile and in pain.

"Oh this is just perfect," a giggle escaped her lips as she watched him struggle. Blood was softly leaking from her nose and eyes and drifting out in the water. She probably looked like a maniac right now, but she didn't care.

She did it. She created a Domain Expansion. It was incomplete and shitty, but she did it. She never thought she would ever be able to reach this level, to accomplish this much but here she was.

"You feel it, don't you?" She said excitedly as Ranto continued to struggle. "The oceanic pressure."

There was a reason why humans couldn't survive deep in the ocean while sea creatures could. Sea creatures were made up mostly of water, while humans had air. Water couldn't be compressed or squeezed by pressure like air could. Anything with air was crushed in an instant. Ranto wasn't a sea creature. His core was full of air.

𝐓𝐒𝐔𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐈, yandere!jjkWhere stories live. Discover now