From Lust and Love to Marriage and Family

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        It had been about a couple of weeks since baby Emica had made her earthly debut. Since then, members of Lighthouse Tokyo flocked to the newly-made parents to congratulate and show support. It was easy for everyone to do so. Not only did the couple make plans for the birth but had things set in motion for the aftercare. Whether Kiyoni gave birth at home or at the church, she would spend a considerable amount of time healing, relaxing, and bonding with her baby. The couple caught a lucky break with the church birth. With Shuuichi's business all around him and Kiyoni on maternity leave in the greenhouse, he can interchange his time between both concerns. Well, not so much. Business did get a little hectic, leaving Kiyoni to fend for herself or in the kind care of others.

The first couple of weeks were brutal. Due to the vaginal stitches she received, there wasn't a second where Kiyoni felt relief. She couldn't sit or lie down comfortably enough. She couldn't walk without much hassle. She couldn't even use the bathroom without assistance which was embarrassing. Emica didn't make it any better. For the first couple of weeks of her life, she protested her newborn butt off. She couldn't go a minute without some sort of physical contact whether it was from her mother or father. She had a hard time latching whenever Kiyoni tried to breastfeed her. She cried for what seemed like forever which overwhelmed both parents but Kiyoni the most. Midwives did what they could but their services only lasted a few days due to the budget. If Kiyoni was showing early signs of postpartum depression, it would be understandable. All of the warnings she received about marriage and parenthood during her days as a succubus were starting to prove true and Kiyoni wished she hadn't chosen this route...on the surface anyway.

         One day, Kiyoni attempted to put Emica to sleep after a lunchtime feeding. The baby had been moody for a good chunk of the day and Kiyoni couldn't figure out why. Shuuichi tried to help but was bombarded with work which added more stress.

"I don't get it," she mumbled, "I've held you, fed you, burped you, changed your diaper, and snuggled with you and you're still unhappy? What more do I have to do?"

"Kiyoni..." Shuuichi called from below, "could you keep it down? I'm in the middle of a phone call."

"Close the room then," Kiyoni suggested, mumbling, "and fuck off for I care."

Emica kept crying and crying, her face and ears turning red along the way. Kiyoni sat with her on the bed mere seconds from having a mental breakdown. What exactly is missing from this equation?

"Emica, please go to sleep," she wished as she lightly grazed her daughter's ear, "Please go to sleep."

Mommy's touch must be onto something. Even though it was a light touch, Emica began to calm down. Newborn wailing simmered to simple whimpering and it was all thanks to mom.

"Wait," Kiyoni observed, "Don't tell me..."

Similar to what was done to Shuuichi, Kiyoni tested her magic hands theory on her baby girl and like the baby's foxy father, the daughter had finally calmed down. Emica ended her emotional tirade with a noticeable sigh as if she was glad mom figured things out.

"Get outta here," Kiyoni realized, "Like father, like daughter. You mean to tell me this is all I had to do? This is all you wanted?"

Kiyoni increased the ante by activating her special ability. Emica was as quiet as a mouse and getting sleepy by the time both ears were touched. Kiyoni got an extra kick out of things from how similar Emica looked to Shuuichi. So sweet and innocent. All that fussing just for a mommy massage. Who knew?

"This has to be wrong on so many levels," Kiyoni thought, "But if this means we get to sleep..."

And sleep was exactly what Emica did. Kiyoni reduced her services from two hands to one finger caressing the forehead as she, herself, tried to get comfortable. Kudos to mom. A new maternal achievement unlocked.

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