Plight of the Fox

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       In the hot springs of the Makai world, Mukuro relaxed in the ever-loving peace and tranquility of her surroundings. Due to the early morning hours, only the sounds of birds and insects sing the songs of sunrise. After getting a dose of some green, Kiyoni took comfort resting on Shuuichi's lap with him giving her a neck and shoulder rub.

"How are you feeling," he asked.

"Mm, better," Kiyoni answered, "All I need is some chocolate."

"And with that, you are sounding better."

"I gotta admit, Kurama..." Mukuro said, "you certainly have a green thumb."

She tested some of Kurama's herbs and was just as high as Kiyoni was.

"Mukuro, what is at this temple you speak of?"

"How did Shinobu bind you to him?"

"To put it bluntly, hemomancy. Blood magic."

"Hm. Some of the most powerful magic out there. Not bad. Expect to find that at the temple. It was used to conduct special rituals using that type of work. Whether it was out of revenge, greed, misguided love, procreation. In your case, I'm not sure about breaking any bonds."

"I'll take that chance."

Kiyoni whispered, "Are you sure?"


"Are you sure you want to go through with it," Kiyoni peered with childlike eyes, "What happens when the bond is broken? What happens to you and Kurama? Will you still be able to merge?"

And there it was. Shuuichi would've answered that question back at the coffee shop in Shibuya but chose not to. Given Kiyoni's physical and (possibly) emotional state, once again Shuuichi withheld the truth.

"If it means our freedom from Sensui, then so be it. That's all that matters at this point."

"But you and Kurama... What happens to the two of you?"

"We'll...continue to merge as originally planned."

"Are you sure? Shinobu is linked to each of you, right?"

"Yes, that is true. Hold on. Don't tell me you're developing a soft spot for Kurama."

There was no hiding it. Kiyoni was in too deep. She had feelings for Shuuichi, which was undeniably and admittedly true. However, Kurama was growing on Kiyoni now. His performance at Yomi's dinner party may have had something to do with it. Since the two souls were merging with one another, Kiyoni had to make emotional room for Kurama now. He did propose that idea not too long ago.

"It's...possible," she confessed.

"Jesus, take the wheel," Shuuichi exclaimed, "Now, I'm concerned."

"As am I," Mukuro stated, "Better yet, interested is the right word."

"We have no other choice but to see this temple and make use of it if we can."

"Right. Well..." Mukuro rose from the water, revealing her naked self, "sitting here won't get us anywhere. Let's go."

Shuuichi shielded his eyes, hoping to never look at that unfortunately-burned body ever again.

"Here," Mukuro offered with a towel, "You might want to use this for her...and your sake."

"Thank you," Shuuichi cleared his throat.

       On the move again, Mukuro's insect-like headquarters crawled through the remainder of the forest and into desert territory, burying deep within the sands for cooling comfort. Speaking of comfort, Kurama took over providing relief for Kiyoni's menstrual problem. Using the bark of a Chinese hawthorn tree, a makeshift heating pad was created and placed on Kiyoni's lower abdomen. It provided much-needed salvation from the cramps and soothed her into sleep. While she rested, Shuuichi and Kurama had another conversation with themselves.

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