I Got a Golden (Black) Ticket

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     Now that Christmas was over, it was time for the biggest party of the year, New Year's. While most would rather host a house party, stay home and watch TV until they pass out, or even become a part of the crowd in the downtown areas of the world's major cities, Aiko got something better. Something she hoped her position (or many, thereof) would earn her. She couldn't wait to brag about it so she asked Juri and Kiyoni to meet her at a local coffee shop for brunch.

"Eeeeeeeee," she squealed with an envelope in hand, "I got it, I got it, I gooooot iiiiiiiit!"

"Got what," Juri asked before taking a sip of her white chocolate matcha latte.

Aiko presented, "This! An invitation to one of the hottest, most lit, most ex-cluuuu-sive nightclubs on the other side of the veil. Club Morningstar. They're having a three-night, New Year's party and only the elitist of the elites get invited."

"If only the elitest of the elites get in, how did you get an invitation?"

Aiko flipped her hair over her shoulders just full of pride, "I have my ways, Juri. Maybe you should focus more on getting on your knees than serving martinis."

"Hey! I'm doing just fine!"

"Sure, you are. Tell her, Kiyoni. Oh, wait. How has that been going for you?"

Kiyoni had spaced out once again. This latest vision centered around a holiday-themed date down an illuminated park walkway holding hands and laughing with Shuuichi, no doubt inspired by the holiday show from earlier. It was utterly romantic as Shuuichi engaged Kiyoni in an impromptu dance brought on by a couple of body spins. Kiyoni loved it all, giggling like a princess dancing with her red-headed prince to the tunes of the most love-filled holiday music as snowflakes fall on and around them like a snowglobe. In the middle of the dance, Shuuichi grabbed both of Kiyoni's hands and lowered himself to one knee. Tears welled in Kiyoni's eyes, knowing what's about to come.

However, the sweet moment came to an end when Kiyoni heard the voices of her companions speak her name through Shuuichi's lips, "KIYONI!"

"What," Kiyoni screamed, startling those nearby.

"For the love of all things sexual," Aiko frustratingly wished, "please...please get some help for all that daydreaming. There's gotta be a name for that."

"My bad," Kiyoni mumbled before taking a sip of her turtle-flavored hot chocolate.

"Are you okay," Juri checked.

"I'm fine," Kiyoni answered, "What were we talking about?"

"This," Aiko presented the invitation again, "Club Morningstar? Three-night party for the new year?"

"Oh, yeah. I've heard of that. That place is hard to get into. How'd you do it?"

Aiko sighed, "Ugh. If you nosy bitches must know. One of my sugar daddies is a member of the Black Black Club. He, specifically, chose me to accompany him to the event. He even gave me his credit card to go shopping with."

"Ooh, which one," Juri cooed.

"Duh. The only one that matters," Aiko pulled out her wallet, "This one."

"The black one?!"

"Can't be a member of the Black Black Club if you don't have one of these. Oh, Aoyama. Harajuku. I may have to use this to get some stuff imported."


"Don't I know it? So, now that you know of my plans for the new year, what are you two, boring fucks gonna do?"

"Oh, I'm thinking I'll just stay in for the night. A friend of mine is coming in from the other side so we might go out. Kiyoni, what about you?"

"Yeah," Aiko sipped her drink, a matcha chai latte, "Oh, wait. Maybe you'll finally pop the preacher boy's cherry. Have him start off the new year as...preacher man. Hehehehehe."

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