The Big Engagement

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       Tonight was a big night. At least, that's what the new head of Lighthouse Tokyo, Deacon Minamino Shuuichi, hoped. Tonight's plan took a little over a week to plan out and as meticulous as he was, Shuuichi was extremely nervous for this moment. A few years of bliss, normalcy, maturity, productivity, and all the ups and downs of a relationship inspired this event. By night's end, lives shall be changed forever.

Inside the sanctuary of the church, Shuuichi, Yukina, and a handful of other volunteers worked hard to fill the space with as many candles and flowers as possible. Well, the altar had battery-powered, and small, illuminated candles while the center aisle was filled with red and white rose petals. In the production area, a DJ sets the mood both in terms of lighting and music. The final touch was a section dedicated to both the Christian and Kemetic faiths. Christianity was represented by Jesus hanging on the cross along with the saints Joseph and Dwynwen of love while the gods, Ausar, Auset, and Heb-het served as ambassadors of Kemetic love. Shuuichi took a step back to analyze the setup.

Please God, allow tonight to go well.

"I think everything is taken care of..." Yukina confirmed from behind, "right?"

"Yes," Shuuichi concurred as he observed everything.

"How do you feel?"

Shuuichi started dancing awkwardly, "Fantastic. I think Kiyoni and I are going to have a wonderful night."



"I think you're a little nervous. You dance like a clown when you're nervous."

Shuuichi nearly collapsed where he stood, "Jesus, help me. Is it that obvious?"

"Aw, deacon. It's going to be alright. Once Kiyoni sees all of this, she is going to be ecstatic. Now, care to explain your costume? What are you supposed to be?"

"Well, in the movie, Romeo and Juliet, Romeo attends a costume party held by his rival family, Juliet's family. Juliet attends dressed as an angel while Romeo, aka yours truly, is dressed as a knight."

"Oh, so that explains the wings."

"Yes. If Kiyoni followed my instructions, she should be here in a white dress. You'll give her the wings upon her arrival."

"Ahhhhhh. I get it. Wait, does she know–?"

"She knows nothing other than to be here at the assigned time and in the assigned attire," Shuuichi checked his phone, "It's time. Everyone, thank you so much for your assistance in this setup. I greatly appreciate you all. If you would like to observe the show, please do so either upstairs or outside of the sanctuary and be as discreet as possible. We don't want to throw Kiyoni off. Sister, are we clear about what to do?"

Yukina grabbed the pair of costume wings, "On my way to take my place. Shuuichi?"


Yukina displayed a comforting smile, "You'll get the right answer. You'll see."

"Thank you, Yukina. I pray that I do."

       About a block away from the church and on a rain-covered walkway, Kiyoni showed up just as Shuuichi instructed. Her outfit was a white, form-fitting cocktail dress with a golden underbust lining and a pair of white flats. Since Shuuichi said that tonight was going to be a special night, Kiyoni went all out in terms of hair and makeup with a natural, smoky eye look and cornrows that fed into an Ariana Grande-style ponytail. It was a little chilly but enough to pull out a hoodie jacket.

"Hello, Kiyoni," Yukina greeted at the door with the costume prop behind her.

"Hey, Yukina. Wasn't expecting to see you tonight. What's going on?"

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