Passing the Torch

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          No way Shuuichi was going to miss out on a grand opportunity wearing the same dingy clothing he wore in the garden. If this meeting was going to be about what he thought it was going to be about, Shuuichi had to look presentable. Leaving his Eve behind in the greenhouse, Shuuichi made a beeline for his dorm to freshen up and change. A pearly white sweater over a cherry red, short-sleeved polo shirt, black slacks, and matching dress shoes became his armor for business.

Standing outside, Shuuichi waited for his guests to arrive. Touma showed up first.

"Mister Minamino. Good afternoon," Touma was all business as he approached the church from attire to mannerisms.

"Good afternoon. How are things?"

"Considering what's about to happen, I can't say for sure."

"Do you know what this meeting is about?"

"Partially. I was told that Shinobu had sat down with a couple of lawyers to discuss the future of this."

"This? You mean Lighthouse?"

"Yes. Good or bad, I'm not sure. We'll both find out soon."

Shuuichi grew a bit nervous. If Shinobu decides to tear the church down, all of Shuuichi's plans will go with it. Not to mention, all of the residents will be sent out into the street. Shinobu wouldn't be that heartless. Would he?

         For something this big, the meeting took place inside Shinobu's office. Shuuichi found it strange sitting in Sensui's chair for the first time in his life. To his left was a photo of a younger Shinobu with Shuuichi and Touya as children and Natsume as a preteen. Good times were had that day. Just where did things go wrong? Easy. The day Shuuichi's very young body became a host to a deceased fox yokai. However, now wasn't the time to get upset. The trial on earth had already ended. The next one will come at a much later date and in a much different setting. That's the one that matters.

"Kurama," Touma beckoned, escorting another guest.

"Oh, sure," Shuuichi acknowledged while standing, "Come. Please have a seat. I would provide some refreshments but things have become a bit hectic as of late."

"It's alright," the man introduced himself, "Watanabe Kiso. I'm an insurance agent for Mister Sensui."

"Nice to meet you. Minamino Shuuichi. Deacon of Lighthouse Tokyo."

"Yes, I've heard of you. You had quite the case with my client."

"Indeed. Have you spoken with him?"

"I did. Yesterday. Our discussion is why I'm here actually. We thought it best to go over some things while moving forward."

Both Shuuichi and Touma glance at each other.

"I'm listening," Shuuichi said.

"Well, first and foremost, to put it bluntly, no. Mister Sensui does not want the church to be torn down."

Shuuichi sighed in relief, "That's...very reassuring."

"Yes. He said that it wouldn't be fair to put everyone out on the street while it's still cold outside. Second, in terms of ownership, Shinobu has asked me to turn it over to you."

Despite his assumptions about the church's future, Shuuichi was shooketh, "Me?! He wants me to run the church? But why?"

"He said even though the two of you had your differences, he couldn't think of anyone else who could run the show. He said that everything you went through was to prepare you for your priesthood."

"Yes, I remember the priesthood part but he never said anything about me running the church. There has to be a more succinct reason."

Kiso opened his suitcase and pulled out some documents, "Here. Maybe this will answer your question."

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