And Baby Makes Three

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         This day was a stressful day. Well, most of it was actually rather calm. At Lighthouse Tokyo, bible study was about to take off and a few of the pews were already full. It was a little abnormal tonight but according to Deacon Minamino, he wouldn't care. Instead, he meditated inside his rooftop greenhouse with tonight's sermon floating around his mind like the marijuana smoke that used to float around him a few years back. As much as he wanted to go back to that version of him, he had to slow down on it due to his upcoming fatherhood role. It was more important to get ready for baby Minamino to make its debut and to keep his business up and running than smoking himself out. If his wife and mother of his child was going to be on a tolerance break in order to host a miniature version of herself and her husband, he might as well join her out of support. Speaking of family, his other family, who recently joined the church, arrived and got settled inside the sanctuary as well. Soon-to-be grandmother, Shiori, caught up with her daughter-in-law just as the latter was making her way out to find Shuuichi. At this point, Kiyoni was looking very pregnant and much like her days working at Aphrodisia, people of Lighthouse church made bets on when she'll pop. It was all in good fun and Kiyoni was fully aware of it this time because...she initiated it.

"Mother," she greeted, "I was wondering if you were gonna show up."

"I know, I'm sorry," Shiori replied, "A shipment was recently stalled and we had to fix it."

"What?! Seriously?"

"Yes. I know international trade agreements have changed over the years but it is getting a little ridiculous. Especially from America. Anyway, how are you feeling?"

"Oh, I'm fine. Baby has been active as of late. Not to mention those...what were those? Fake contractions?"

"Oh, I believe they were called Braxton hicks. I dealt with that a couple of months before Shuuichi was born. Hospitals used to get a kick out of seeing his father and I show up in the ER. It's normal. We'll all have to work keeping up with all that energy. I'm so excited for the two of you. Speaking of, shouldn't Shuuichi be here? It's time to start."

"Don't worry. I'm on my way to get him. I know exactly where he is. I'll be right back," Kiyoni giggled as she stepped away, "See? Everyone cannot wait to meet you. I just can't wait until I can sleep on my stomach again. Doesn't mean mommy isn't ready for you, though. Once you come out, you are gonna be in my arms and you are gonna stay there. Do you hear me? Well, your dad may want to keep you in his arms too... We'll have to compromise on that."

         Baby Minamino starts moving as soon as mom finds her way inside the greenhouse. Since Shuuichi's departure from the campus in favor of his new life with his wife and unborn child, his old dorm has become a research, development, and production station for his product line. Infused drinks and teas and soaps made with shampoo ginger, soap nuts, and soapwort have since been added to the line since his appearance on yokai television. This year's summer lineup should be quite sweet and fruitful.

"Suu'chi? Suu'chi, are you here? Bible study is about to start. Your mom is asking about you too."

"Over here," Shuuichi announced from an area surrounded by large leaves.

"Suu'chi? Didn't you hear me? Bible study is–"

"About to start. I heard amply," because Shuuichi was sitting on the floor, he was able to observe his wife from head to toe.

Despite the crisp, spring weather, Kiyoni glowed as only an expectant mother could in her tawny brown, long-sleeved babydoll top and dark wash jeans. The freshly-installed, knotless box braids she wore made her look as regal as an African princess as well. Since it was close to her predicted due date, Kiyoni insisted that she get her hair braided just to keep it out of the way while she tended to her baby. A common thing for black mothers-to-be to do.

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