It's All Coming Together

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       At a local hospital in Dendra, Kiyoni rejoined Kurama who is watching Mukuro's repairative neck surgery go down. A team of six doctors of different yokai backgrounds from crustacean to octopi to medical instruments work tirelessly to restabilize and restore both Mukuro's sense of feeling and mobility. Media outlets outside of the building gather to get the scoop on her condition. Live feeds from yokai-based news stations broadcast everything they know down to the minute.

"How's it looking," Kiyoni asked.

With a concerned sigh, Kurama said, "It's slim. She could lose either the freedom of movement or the ability to feel."

"Sounds like significant nerve damage."

"Exactly. For Shinobu to take down someone like that... A-anyway, how are things in Tokyo?"

"According to Juri and Shishi, Aphrodisia is practically no more. They were there to get my things. Smoke damage was the worst of it for my stuff."

Both Shuuichi and Kurama were delighted to think, "That red dress..."

"Ahem," Kurama stated, "That's good to hear. Any ideas on what their future looks like?"

"Shishi, I guess, is gonna continue to be a sugar baby. Juri...ha...she's going back home to work on her family's apple orchard."

"Wow. An apple orchard. She did seem a little too sweet for that place. Both you and her."

"Thanks. You already know why. I feel like it's my fault though."

"Feel like what's your fault?"

"...Aphrodisia burning down. It was only done because Shinobu was looking for us. Had I known that he was that bat shit crazy, I would've never invited Shuuichi to go there in the first place."

"That's where you're wrong, Kiyoni. Shuuichi wanted to go there. He wanted to see you. That was his choice. As far as how Shinobu took that information, that was a surprise to all of us. It is not, never was, nor will it ever be your fault for what happened to that place. Is that understood?"

Kiyoni nodded in acknowledgement, "So...what's our next move?"

"Once Mukuro is property stabilized, we'll head back to Tokyo. Shuuichi can handle things from there. He'll find us a rabbi to speak to and help translate the spell."

"Will we need anything?"

"I don't know. We have to accomplish the first few goals up front before we get into any details. At least we can freshen up."

"Ha, yeah."

And so, the two waited...and waited...and waited...and waited. They waited while engaging in small talk. They waited while watching random TikTok and YouTube videos. Kurama laughed his ass off as Kiyoni told her story about her bout with Aiko and acknowledged her use of hands.

Kiyoni did her best impression, "And then, she was like, 'My MaStEr, UrAmEsHi-SeNsEi, SaYs I'm A nAtUrAl.' So I was like, 'Was that a reference to your fighting skills or your chest?'."

Kurama giggled, "I can tell you, off-hand, that those things are fake."

"Wait, really?! They're fake? How do you know? Those things have some serious bounce."

"You said succubi can make themselves as attractive as necessary, correct? The night I came out looking for you, she changed her size twice. Once, when I showed up and one more time by the time she approached me. They're clearly fake."

"Shut up. I knew those things were fake!"

"Yep. False advertising at its best. Yours, however..."

"Don't even go there. I am one-hundred percent natural. Thank you."

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