Somebody's Watching Me

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       Given the location of the Ikeda home, Shuuichi accompanied Kiyoni towards a 7-Eleven on her grandmother's dime. Kiyoni's sweet tooth was kicking in, a sign of her upcoming monthly. According to the path they were taking, traffic was rather light. It was a weekday morning so people were either at work or at school. As she walked and talked like a zombie, Kiyoni would rather be in bed than outside.

"Ughhhhhh! Chocolate...!"

Shuuichi smiled, "Everything alright?"

Kiyoni grew flustered, "Yeah...sure...I'm fine."

She inched closer towards Shuuichi to avoid an approaching vehicle.

"You're lying," Shuuichi discovered, "I can smell it."

"Oh, so you can smell when my period is coming too? Ugh!"

Now it was Shuuichi who was red-faced, "Oh! Is that what it is?"

Kiyoni sighed, "I'm sorry. I always get like this around that time. Stuffing my face with chocolate, feeling irritable some days only to take on the world the next. I'm horny as fu--!"

A couple of people nearly heard that last part so Kiyoni covered her mouth.

"I see. Well, that explains last night."

Kiyoni grinned, "Yeah. Last night was fun. I gotta admit. You..."

Shuuichi stood waiting for Kiyoni to finish her statement. He knew she enjoyed herself and wanted to hear her admit it, then asked himself why that would do something for him. Could be a distant thought of Kurama's perhaps.

"You...knew what you were doing. Are you sure you don't have any magic fingers?"

"Haha, no but I...enjoyed your touch as well."

Kiyoni's gloved hand reached out for Shuuichi, "We can...go for it again if you like. At least know..."

"Let's get you some chocolate first."

"Aw, c'mon, Suu'chi! I told you how horny I was. Do I have to show you now?"

"You've already done that, you're already doing that, and despite the cold, I can already smell it."

Intrigued and curious, Kiyoni looked up and down at Shuuichi, "What does it smell like?"

"What? Your libido? I don't know if I could...put it to exact words but it's a combination of...something salty with...perhaps lavender or...orchid. Heh, a salty orchid. Funny because there are orchids that resemble a woman's...ahem."

"Interesting. I wonder which orchid resembles my pussy. What about you?"

"What about me?"

"Aren't you...horny?"

Shuuichi chuckled, "I don't think now is a good time."

"Eh. Fair point. Anyway, any ideas?"


"Our situation. As much as I'd like to stay in Nagoya for a little while, I will miss Tokyo."

"Same and...I'm not sure. Unless Shinobu decides to put out a missing persons case on us, we should be fine here."

"I get that but we can't stay away from him forever."

"Agreed, nor should we."

"Are you afraid of him?"

The pair stopped just as they were approaching a school in the middle of recess.

"To be honest..." Shuuichi admitted, "I'm...more afraid of what he may do to you than what he could do to me. I can fall back on Kurama for help. You, how–"

A Thin Line Between Lust and LoveМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя