On the Road to Happiness

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          Just when lives were about to settle, fate had to step in and it started with Shuuichi firmly taking the reins in monitoring the construction done on the Lighthouse campus. Meanwhile, he began developing some tester batches of his organic, cannabis-infused medicinal products which included the research and development of some pain-reducing, body-relaxing menstrual products. Kiyoni found those experiments embarrassingly hilarious. It didn't come as no surprise just how little Kurama knew about the female body even though one was right next to him. He was on top of his community service role as well, helping out with street cleanup, carpentry, light construction, and group therapy whenever requested. The people he worked with were so inspired by Shuuichi's charm, work ethic, and story that they were convinced to attend Lighthouse whenever they could. Matter of fact, he did so well, he was released from house arrest due to good behavior.

To pass her time, Kiyoni studied for her upcoming college entrance exam while working at the local fitness center teaching pole dancing. Surprise visits from Juri and Shuuichi gave Kiyoni some extra confidence. The mini reunion between Kiyoni, Juri, and former coworker, Ruka, was just as exciting. Thanks to an after-class performance by Kiyoni, Shuuichi was convinced to get that stripper pole. Kiyoni showed her gratitude and honored Shuuichi's partial freedom the very day the pole was installed with a private dance in nothing but flower pasties all over her body with a matching floral crown.

"Kiyoni..." he called after exhaling a mood-enhancing puff of smoke, "you're getting too good at becoming a bad girl."

He watched with desire as Kiyoni swung upside down and around on the pole. She had a seductive smile on her face all the while.

"I know..." she confirmed, "but it's so much fun. Especially when my bad side brings out yours."

Kurama finished the joint he was smoking and got undressed starting with his shirt, "You should watch it, Ikeda. Foxes like myself can get quite frisky when in heat."

          Shuuichi made good on his word of opening Lighthouse to religions from around the world both known and unknown. Even though religion isn't as much of a big deal in Japan as it is in any western country, the general belief in a higher or greater power still exists. It started when he and Kiyoni posted fliers about an upcoming Kemetic service going on at the church, the first of its kind. The sanctuary wasn't ready yet but they made due with what they had. Small, lit candles, some throw pillows, a space heater for warmth, and a few Egyptian statues borrowed from Kiyoni's apartment within the confines of cut off construction spots and scaffolding set the scene. Due to a rainy night, only two people, both Black-American immigrants, showed up. It was a start.

"Ankh en Ma'at," Kiyoni greeted with a warm smile, "Welcome. Welcome. Please have a seat. Make yourselves comfortable. Sorry about the...mess. Eh, first of all, welcome to the very first Kemetic service here at Lighthouse. Thank you so much for coming. Eh, it is an extreme honor for your presence despite the weather."

"We heard this place was on the Christian side but we came across a flier at one of the train stations," said the woman who was in her thirties and had traveled from New York state.

"Yeah. We saw the flier and was like, 'Kemetic'? So we had to check it out," the woman's husband was also in his thirties and from the same area.

"Understandable," Kiyoni assured, "This is a first for us as well. Yes, this church is primarily Christian but my genius-of-a-boyfriend over here, Shuuichi, thought it would be a good idea to expand the religious parameter if you will."

"So what could we expect," the husband questioned.

"Well, first, I want to say that I am no priestess as of, like, officially. I've been studying Kemetism ever since I was a child thanks to my mother but have never taken the time to ordain myself in that way so that's one thing."

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