Ride with Me

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       Twas the night before the big date and Shuuichi was getting restless. Monday and Tuesday nights were fine so long as he had something to either calm him down or distract him. Prayers, meditation, and bible study were in effect to get Shuuichi's mind right.

Then came the doubts. What if Touya was right? What if Shuuichi had fallen for Kiyoni's trap? What if he doesn't make it through the night? What if Kiyoni wasn't who she said she was? If this date were to fail, no one in the church would let it go and that included Father Shinobu should he find out. Shuuichi couldn't leave things to chance. He had to be sure so he sent a text:

"Kiyoni, it's me. Shuuichi."

"Oh, hey!"

"Still looking forward to tomorrow."

"So am I [grinning emoji]."

"Can I be honest?"

"Eh...you're a child of God."

"Shouldn't honesty be a requirement?"

"Fair. Kiyoni, I need you to be honest with me."

"Given what you are...are you going to kill me?"

"[Laughing emoji] on the first date? I may be a succubus but even I don't do that. When I said that I have an interest in you, I meant it. I really wanna see what you're about. If you're giving me free will, I'm sure you expect the same from me. However, I won't lie and say that I'm not having fantasies about you already."

"[Flustered emoji] I...idk what to say to that [awkward emoji]."

"It's the truth but I won't scare you. I promise [fingers crossed emoji] tomorrow is going to be strictly innocent. All about general, positive vibes. Okay?"

"Sure. I can appreciate that. Thanks. One more thing."


"Would it be alright if I... follow you...on social media?"

The question was followed by an awkward looking gif.

Kiyoni smiled at what she saw. Nothing wrong with gaining new followers:

"Which one?"

"Your lighthearted ones."


Kiyoni sent Shuuichi the links to her Facebook, Snapchat, and TikTok accounts. Since Shuuichi has an Instagram account, Kiyoni sent him her link to that as well:

"I didn't ask for that one."

"I know. Considering how late it is, call it a [gift emoji]. Pleasant dreams, Shuuichi [wink and a kiss emoji]. See you tomorrow night."

Shuuichi pouted as he blushed while reading that last text. He knew Kiyoni's Instagram account was on the mature side. However, he had an Instagram account so...what was wrong with taking a peek?

Facebook was incredibly tame. Shuuichi learned of Kiyoni's birthday, zodiac sign, where she was born, and some of the things she's into. Her pictures, memes, and shared videos showed her love of dance from ballet to hip hop, times she spent at music festivals and concerts, and the times she spent in school and at home.

That raises some questions.

Shuuichi enjoyed looking at every photo, paying close attention to her body language and smile.

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