Red Light Seduction

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 Now that the church was empty, all that was left to do was clean up. Touya, Yukina, and two other members got to work right away. Blowing out candles, sweeping in between pews, and disabling equipment. Shuuichi offered to help but quickly remembered his meeting with Father Sensui.

He folded the flier and hid it within his uniform before entering Father Sensui's office, "Excuse me? Father Shinobu?"

"Yes," Shinobu acknowledged, "Deacon Shuuichi. Please enter."

Shinobu's office was pretty standard. There was a desk, a few chairs, a bookshelf with materials that seemed to be collecting dust. He also had a floor cabinet for even more personal items and collectables. The cabinet was filled with pictures of most of the members of the clergy including Shuuichi and Touya when they were younger. On Shinobu's desk were his laptop, two bibles with one of them strictly used for studying, a picture of his younger self with the children he helped raise. Behind him is an open window that overlooks the residential area of the church with another focused on the neighboring area since the entire campus sat on a block corner. Any opportunity for sunlight, Shinobu took for those windows were wide open, symbolic of bathing in God's light especially on a Sunday.

"You wanted to see me?"

"That I did. Please, have a seat."

"Alright," Shuuichi said, "Been a while since I've been here. I believe I was in high school last time."

"Yes, I remember. We talked about the entrance exams and what school you wanted to attend."

Shuuichi sighed, "That was stressful."

"Indeed. However, that's in the past. I want to discuss the present."

"Certainly. How can I be of assistance?"

Shinobu rested his elbows on his mahogany-stained desk and settled his face aside his clasped hands as if in deep thought or in prayer.

He attempted to lay out the news as gently and directly as possible, "As you know, I take great pride in watching you grow and mature within the church. You've come a long way in such a short time. I commend and respect you for that."

"Thank you, Father."

"I've also noticed your position as a deacon has brought in many new members within the last few months. It's quite impressive."

Shuuichi blushed, "Ha. Just spreading the gospel."

"Quite. Which is also why I've called you here today. Do you know why I've asked you to read today's chosen word?"

"I idea. Perhaps you wanted to take a quick break?"

Shinobu laughed in his throat, "Perhaps I did, yes. I've asked you to lead the reading because I believe it is time for your training for priesthood."

Shuuichi couldn't believe it as he clutched the wooden armrests, "Me? A priest? Now?"

"Yes. Do you disagree?"

"Well...I thought I would be a deacon least another ten years or so. A priest? This young?"

"That's what myself and others thought about you during your time here. You were a laity during your early years, a deacon by the time you graduated high school. Your rapid rise among the ranks deserves praise. You should be proud."

Shuuichi relaxed back in his chair, completely shocked by the news, "I...I'm surprised. Do you really think I'm ready?"

"Honestly, no, but that's what training is for. Brother--Deacon Shuuichi, you are a prize and are well-liked both within the community and the church. I'm sure with the proper training you will be ascending to priesthood in no time. The only thing left to do is for you to prepare yourself for it. Are you up for the challenge?"

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